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Everything posted by ByMyBlade

  1. Wondering if, while in Redbeard's level, am I supposed to kill all 6 sentinels in order to complete the "look around his room" quest? Those things are TOUGH. A few fireblasts, and I'm done, let alone do enough damage to them. Thanks
  2. Thanks. I just finished with the quests of exploring the temples, Nolus and Aetius so I guess that must come later still.
  3. What's the trick to getting into the N.E. area, where it says "you experience nausea" and are immediately teleported away? There are 2 enterences, and both ways give me the same result. Looked for colored tiles, but to no avail.
  4. ByMyBlade


    In battle with her, everytime I beat one of her "helper's", another one appears at the stairwell. (Never ending replacements). Do I need to take her out first? If I do, will the helpers flee? Thanks
  5. What do I do with them? I have 6, but no clue what they are used for. Also, is there anywhere I can Buy the crystals (orange in color)? that bring down the barriers Thanks
  6. Sorry I should have been more specific. I got on the boat and it took me back to Greenwood Isle I believe. After my arrival there is where I'm stuck at. Edit: Strange, the 1st time I went to the west docks, I didn't get the pop up message about returning to the mainland...
  7. Destroyed the Geneforge. Now what do I need to do to end the game? Lord Rahul said something about locating surviving shapers, but he was not very specific. Thanks
  8. Quote: Originally written by Le Martyre de la Terreur: This isn't the answer you wanted to hear, but don't bother wasting the valuable ingredients. There's one in the Benerii-Eo labs near Tigh Eye (NW) that you can get for, um, free. Re: Charm of Mental Focus You sure about that? I can't find it in the NW area. Is it still not possible to make one of these with the ingreadiants listed?
  9. Well for right now, I'm getting mostly 3 tool doors, but I just went up a level, so I'm wondering which stat boost would help me out the most. (Or does it really make any difference?) Thanks
  10. So is it more effective to put points into mental magic or mechanics, if I want to get the most out of the unlock spell?
  11. Re-Geneforge 3 Is there a certain number that your mechanics skill should be at that will get you through most of the game? I'm out of tools, (bought the one's I could find, and used the one's that I found). Gull island doesn't seem to have that many merchants (so far anyway.) Thanks
  12. The orb description said something about slowing enemies, but it is more of a stun effect I believe. Thanks for the replies!
  13. I enchanted a shaper sword with "slow" from one of the orbs I got. I don't see much of an effect on the creatures I hit. Is there some formula that the game uses, to decide when a creature really is stunned and will lose its next turn? Does it depend on the creature? Thanks
  14. Some guy named Barnard in the Rising area says he would make me a plate of armor. One of the ingreadients is 'Mined crystal'. There are at least 4 or 5 different types of crystal. Which is he talking about? Also where can I locate purified essense? Thanks
  15. Found control 1, and he needs fed. When I speak to him he/she says the food is close, but I can't find it. Had the same problem with one of the other controlers earlier. Thanks
  16. Very nice! Got my answer, thanks. One question I still have. I found/learned the spell "stone guardian", but none of characters have the craft circle. Can Romans pick that circle up, or is it for the celts only?
  17. In Avernum, you could buy them at the "stores". But in this game, I only have mild healing and purge venom and can't find anyone to sell them to me. At the start of the game, the mild healing was fine, but the further I go, the less good it does for my characters. Heal me 8, take 15 damage. I have a 5 health circle which should be enough for the regular healing spell. I'm playing as Romans by the way, if this makes any difference. Thanks
  18. Yes been through both Spire and Bargha. Both Mayor's want me to kill of the other Mayor of the city. Found the giant area, and already went to that area (east of Bargha.)
  19. Guess I'm getting toward the end of the game. I have two quests that I would like to complete, but am not sure where to go. The 1st is to find the Darkside Loyalists, who are west of the abyss. I walked around hoping for a magic door to open, but it never did. Found a hatch toward the bottom left side of the abyss, but there is a closed gate inside there. The 2nd quest is probably the main goal of the game. To find Rentar, who is also in the abyss area. Thanks for any help.
  20. I'm basically stuck. Can go to Ft. Saffron, but cannot get thru the Spire fort, because there's no way to open the door from the outside. And Ft. Emerald has energy cubes blocking me access to the abyss area. So I'm just wandering around. Any help?
  21. I got the quest from the gremlin, (and so as not to give a spoiler,) the gremlin tells me "it's not enough". So how much does he want? I have 2. Thanks
  22. It seems this fight is mostly magical in nature, and for the 1st half of the fight I can get my lightning and acid to work on the automaton. However nothing seems to work, other than 1-2 pts of damage, in the later part of the fight. Any help? Thanks
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