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Xero Curvox

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About Xero Curvox

  • Birthday 09/26/1989

Xero Curvox's Achievements

Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: Unless you're the sort of person who enjoys being able to read every book without having to have a library of them or have random quotes spoken to you by a bleached skull. Dikiyoba. Very True. I'd totally forgotten about the Tome.
  2. Whoop, first post. Anaximander does mention the items (or somebody does. It might be X, actually.) The items are interesting, but only the coins are really useful. Basically the theme with them is that the few that have benificial effects also have some truly nasty side-effects that make them pretty much useless. But if you're into item collecting, they're awesome.
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