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Everything posted by Eldarion

  1. I ran A4 this morning, the splash screen came up as usual, but when the splash screen normlally disappears, it didn't. instead it became the background the the main menu. However, when I moved my cursor around, the splash screen disappeared and was replaced with the normal menu background wherever I moved the cursor. Nothing major, just was odd when I saw it.
  2. Quote: Originally written by Pheonix of the Blue Flame: Quote: Originally written by Eldarion: How exactly does this work? All I see is a .txt file. Goto the directory you installed Avernum 4 on (Default: C:\Program Files\Avernum 4\) and goto Data\Scripts. Make a backup copy of z60monasterdlg.txt and then place the new downloadable file into that directory, overwriting (As you have a backup copy, it's not a concern). Then, in Fort Monastery, goto the kitchen and talk to Bodri. I'm learning the script pattern and I may have a bit of a better 'fix' - correcting typo's and misc errors that I found. (such as it saying specific eq when it doesn't give it) ...I may make an alteration to Peter to extend the list of options available (Soon as I figure that out...AFTER making a list of 00-500 items..) Thanks
  3. How exactly does this work? All I see is a .txt file.
  4. My computers blocking it for some insane reason, could someone email it to richardiurilli@yahoo.com? Thanks.
  5. My computers blocking it for some insane reason, could someone email it to richardiurilli@yahoo.com? Thanks.
  6. And I feel like an idiot asking it as it probably says it somewhere in big huge letters right in front of my nose but... How do you do quick save?
  7. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: By the way, asking the same question twice is generally not encouraged. My bad, guess I forgot I posted the first one :\
  8. I love how you can keep playing after finishing all 3 main quests in A2, and have always wished I could do the same in A3. Is this possible?
  9. And I love how you can keep playing after winning the game. Is there a way to do that in A3? That was always my biggest regret with A3.
  10. Does anything ever happen here? I generally throw in a few coins whenever I pass just for the heck of it, but nothing's every happened :\
  11. Avernum 2. Avernum 1 is okay, but looking is a right pain in the, I use the mouse for everything :\ Avernum 3 was the first one I played andalso the first I won, but the first 2 main quests are way too easy, and all the quests aren't connected enough. I mean, you can win the game only completing 3 of the 5 main quests.:\ In Avernum 2 all the main quests blend together, and you have to play them all to win. Plus beast ceremony is dang useful, divine aid in A3 is so annoying only using it once a day
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