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Everything posted by Grendal

  1. I'm trying to get into Fortress Blackcrag. I did the skripbane quest and talked with the leader of the thieves guild, and was given permission to enter the hidden tunnel. Unfortanatly I had allready been there before, and killed everyone when the attacked me. Now I need permission to get across the insubstantial bridge. Except I think it's too late now that everyone is dead.....is that true? =(
  2. Hello to all, I'm in the lower level of the Troglos castle, and I can't figure out how to get through Elhioc's magic door. It has something to do with the pedestal and moving magic runes, but I can't figure out the right combination. Maybe there's something simple I'm missing. Help would be appreciated. Grendal (If you've read Beowulf you'll know who Grendal is)
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