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Everything posted by Othello

  1. Anyway, now I have some more trouble; I created custom missile graphics and placed them in the .cmg file (i got resfool), but it does not show up in game when it is fired.
  2. Thanks for the advice; I'll try ResFool. With ResEdit, for some reason it does not recognize any copied stuff.
  3. Bah... I can't get the import of graphics working properly. I cannot get it to paste from photoshop or preview to ResEdit. Can anyone help?
  4. Would it matter what number you gave the sound in the .cmg file?
  5. Is there anyway to add sound/music to a scenario maybe using the custom data file? Forgive me if it says this in the editor documentation, but im using a different comp right now.
  6. That's fine, I want to take away some annoying summoning spells with sorcerers because it quickly becomes a battle of who can summon the most creatures.
  7. The picture is not blurry until I actually see it in ResEdit and the game. EDIT: Also, if you use the call change_spell_level on a creature, can you just use it in the custom data script, or do you have to make a creature script?
  8. I have 2 problems with the Intro graphics: 1) The bluriness 2) Actually pasting the graphic into ResEdit because ResEdit is in classic and you can't c&p stuff from OSX into Classic.
  9. Well, I'd rather work on this than some random scenario, but maybe I might do some small thing on the side... Okay next question: I'm trying to load custom graphics into the game for an Intro graphic. I am using Mac OSX, and I have trouble copying my Photoshop Elements PICT file into ResEdit. I somehow managed to do it (Still don't know how), but whenever it appears in the Intro it is too small and super-pixilated (I reduced the size to 400x400 like reccomended in the Docs). Is there any easier way to do this? EDIT: Is there any call or script that removes a party from a horse?
  10. I plan on making the outdoors interesting with many special encounters and such. Don't worry, anyone who plays this will be kept occupied.
  11. Well, it's a little pet project of mine called 'Tales of the Leviathan." It's that dreaded scenario- an epic. In other words, it has a huge outdoors, but I'm going slowly. Also everything is spread out not like some scenarios where everything is cramped into 1 outdoor section. Oh and it takes place in another universe (not Avernum) as you can tell by the mention of Elves. In this scenario you're supposed to end up with a choice, either to be evil and fight the elves with some other rebels and the Supreme Evil Bad Guy (working name), or you can be all happy happy nice nice and join the Elves. I use a SDF to have a rating - "Elf Friendliness," and it shows how nice you are to elves. Some stores will check this and decide whether to sell you stuff. Anyway, it's a long complicated scenario (or will be I just started it and scenario making at the same time). As that good enough? EDIT: Off topic but does anyone know a good screenshot capturer program for mac OSX? (Avernum screenies).
  12. Yeah my code is messy, but the pauses are short, and they work to help the reader absorb the stuff. Also, its realistic; a comma signifies a pause and all except one of my lines has a coma at the end. Also, it's only 1/2 second wait. Oh by the way, I have a mistake in the last lines with parameters in the spawn creature call it should be: Code: place_monster(21,38,236,1); I screwed up. I was wondering why it wasn't spawning a creature...
  13. Urmm it works now (see edit) Thanks!
  14. I did do that. But maybe it didn't work because I didn't put blank before I'll test it... EDIT: Okay, I put a blank before, and I forced terrain redraw. In the appendices of the editor docs it is not really clear on this: it says that the purpose of terrain redraw is to redraw the terrain after someone moved. But I used it after each bubble, and it works.
  15. I'm having trouble with a cutscene, for some reason, the text bubbles above a character do not appear. Do I have to force terrain redraw or something? Everything works except for the bubbles, including camara coordinates and animations.
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