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Everything posted by digiplaya2005

  1. Oh! I've solved it! It appears that, lo and behold, my last couple of saved games were simply corrupted. I loaded an earlier saved game that wasn't too far back, but worked with the F3 and F4 keys and normal saving as well. If you suspect your latest saved game is corrupt, then just load an earlier saved game, if you have one. I hope this helps someone else who has the same problem. Tom
  2. Hi, When I try to quicksave my Geneforge 3 game (using F3 key) or quickload it (using F4), the game freezes, and when I press 'Enter', it closes and gives me a crash error. I also know that when I try to manually save the game (through one of the save slots), it also gives me a crash error. Strangely enough, when I threw GF3 onto my secondary computer and transferred the saved games from my main computer to it, I still had general problems with saving the game. Any ideas? Tom
  3. I've decided to start over again, using all of the advice from everyone who replied to me. This time I'm an Agent and will use my magic powers to my advantage. Thanks for the input!
  4. Am a Guardian with Alwan as sidekick, with 2 Vlish creations also with me that I made.
  5. Hey again, I've gotten to the point to where I can't get past any of the areas that are red in the west part of Dhonal's Isle. Inflitrated Shore and Infested Mountains have rogues which I cannot beat yet, though my main guy is level 18 at the moment. does anyone have any good advice on fighting large groups of rogues? it seems as if I've made too many mistakes throughout the game...
  6. Well, it looks like I've gotten to the third island, thanks for the help! Pretty sure I'm just saving the Infested pathway for later on in the game. Tom
  7. Hey all GF3 people, It looks as if I'm stumped again. I've been to the first two islands in the game, I've explored them almost completely. There is one place I can't possibly beat on the second isle (Infested Pathway) and the monsters there are nearly impossible to kill. I've completed most of my quests, but unfortuneately for whatever reason I slaughtered the entire Rebel camp, so now I can't complete 2 of my quests. Does anyone have any advice as to what to do now? Cheers! Tom
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