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Everything posted by plazma_fd

  1. !!!!!!jeff screwed up!!!!!!!!!! iwent through as a rebel yet litalia wanted to kill me at the end WTF WHAT DID I DO WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
  2. yeah um it takes awhile to read through all f that so i was wondring why not split it into sections so people can easily find what the want.? just wondering because your layout is horrile and unlseess you want to read all of that it isnnt very helpful........and if you need help setting it up im good with html. jusst offeren
  3. 6thanks turns out it was direct x wouldathoughtt i had it installed ... o well it runs now
  4. hi i just downloaded geneforge 3 i am a long time lover of the geneforge series however this nbew version doesnt like me ..... i installwed geneforge 3 without any problems however when i boot it up all i get is the spiderweb software screen and nothing happensso itry hitting escape spacebar and enter but all they do is cloe the game please help:::::i am using win 98 however i dont know wether or not i have direct x installed please help
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