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@)-'-- Rosie

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Everything posted by @)-'-- Rosie

  1. --Yes "THANK YOU" Quote: Ok. You asked a question. We get it. One question mark is plenty. *Sigh* ??? I hardly think more than one question mark deems it obsessive. Were you just tired of answering questions that day? Isn't that why we're here? I sure hope you feel better now - months later!
  2. I'm still a newbie (eg: have only been obsessed with the game for a couple weeks now) - so don't quote me on this... but it seems that if you're using the cheat "dbugkill" Thahd does not come back... at least not in the first 10+ exit/re-entries. Nothing does.... so I wandered around the entirity of both wastes and picked up every rock.... when i thought i had them all... I made the rounds again.... and wouldn't ya know it... the very last rock i found.. the cresent!! Thanks for the tips shared here!
  3. Trinity Student - ya know... that hadn't even occured to me... but I bet that's what I did. I hadn't noticed that they look so much alike until I was stashng my loot. I'm not offended by your suggestion at all... I feel kinda stupid now, but I'm capable of laughing at myself and invite you to come along! Thank you!
  4. I'm in the Mine Core right now, but for the last few zones... my living tools aren't working. Since the one that had 3-4 of those strange consoles that say "living things may behave differently now". So I *ass*ume one of those is the culprit. It doesn't do much good to keep collecting them if they're not going to work. WHat have I done? And is there any way to make it right? I need these, no?!
  5. Learninf from your eaperiences here - I've begun keeping notes (place: dropped loot / pleace: mind / place: pools) - thanks for sharing!@! -rosie
  6. Oh. Bummer. I suppose that was told to me somewhere or in the "how to" but I must have missed it. Thank you for your speedy response. Edit/addendum: Wait... I'm still a little confused... I canNOT pick up/carry a book... but I can pick up/carry a pod?? So.. it's letting me pick up/carry some things, but not others. And the only message is "cannot carry it". TIA
  7. Again.. i looked (searched) before this posting which returned zero results. I can't believe there's not an answer here already - so I apologize if this is a repeat. Occasionally I find something like a healing pod or spores, or even thorns, and am told that I can't pick it up. If I drop something else, I can pick up the new item. However... I'm not encumbered. Carrying 81# / Encumbered at 100# What's the deal?
  8. I'm new to the game so bear with me please. I have run a search and founf no results. I am in Buried Cells. I approach doors and the SOUND of the coor opening occurs, but the doors won't actually open. The text message says nothing about needing living tools or not having enough skills... there's no hint at what to do. Can you help? summary: Standing at a door... the "opening" sound occurs but the door doesn't open.
  9. Hawk King -- okay - i feel very stupid...... while reading this thread I downloaded all three scripts for which links were given. So I unzipped them all... tried to open them with notepad, and realized immediately these are meant to be someplace where the game handles them. I don't know what to do with them. Please assist a novice?
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