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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. If you mean the one Pyrn tells you about, I could have sworn that I looked at it. Either way, it does me no good, as I cannot reach Barrier Tower before the game ends.
  2. OMFG.... The editor says "Things you have done will not be saved." Apparently they ARE saved, as the portal still kills me! I guess this save file is just utterly screwed, then...
  3. There's no way to do that; I'll just "Leave Town," then.
  4. I cracked the crystals beforehand; what ritual do I need to learn? Am I just screwed? Obviously, I can't go anywhere and do anything, as the portal blows up Exile before long. Don't worry about spoiling anything - I've beaten the game before.
  5. I have the Onyx Scepter, but when I try to close the portal, nothing happens...
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