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Posts posted by Angarahad_dup1

  1. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but at some point around fort draco and the haunted mines i start getting an error message saying "dialogue error - script broken or absent". Also, when I try to reload games saved in that area I get another message saying "box.txt script failure - invalid identifier open_container in line 21". I tried reinstalling the game but it doesn't seem to have done anything.


    Any ideas?

  2. I've made a series of special items that when used run a scenario script state that checks for hostiles within a certain distance and damages them in a certain way. These work fine except that it is possible to use more than one during a combat round. when the second one is used it acts as if characters killed by the first item are still in their places. Can anyone tell me if there's a way of either


    A. getting the script to check if a character is alive or not before trying to attack it (i tried char_status and char_ok but it came up with an inappropriate command error) or


    B. ending the round after the item has been used



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