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Everything posted by avernite13

  1. But what about the defender golems?(3 demon and 6 jewled golems) Can they be destroyed some easy way too or must I fight them fairly.
  2. I got throught the factory to the power crystal on my own , but it seems to be impossible to defeat! If anyone has tips or a tactic to defeat it please tell it to me
  3. Okay here's the deal. In golem tower or whatever is is i went to the upper level of the factory first with the unlock doors spell. I pressed the shieldings and all girds off at the controll board. Next I went to the lower part of the tower, found the golem diadem and pressed the button at the norhwest conrer. No I can't get back because a laser blocks the way. Do I have to go throught the lava, or have I done something wrong or have I something undone! (sorry for the english. still from Finland.)
  4. I am stuck in the golem spire. I am in the second uppest floor of the tower, next to the controlling panel and I can't get throught the last pack of four laser beams (the one near the floor entrance), because I dont know how to shut them down. If anybody knows how to shut them down or to get past them in another way (my mage has only 4 spell points left and no energy potions or -elixirs and no way to make them either)to get throught them, I would really appreciate help. I am pretty damn desperate! ps. sorry for my bad english. I'm from Finland
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