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Rabid Pigs Eating A Wolf

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Posts posted by Rabid Pigs Eating A Wolf

  1. Magery. Drake. North Waters. Hidden Entrance...



    YAY 50th POST YAY!!!


    EDIT: You already said magery, so there's only one thing left to do in the entire game then. Find the 3 stores that have a stick for sale. Gather all three sticks (each stick cost 5000) and then bring them to Rhentar-Ihrno. Rhentar will in turn give you a wand for the three sticks, this in turn.......... Alright I ran out, no theres just about nothing left...

  2. I never thought about what A3 would be like without the conveyor belts. I beat E3, but never bothered to register A3. That has to be the lamest thing I have heard yet. Conveyor belts were so much more fun then dodging a stupid laser. How retarted...

  3. Just so you know, "short" and "void" are not used in the actual script, they are ways of determining what type of data you are working with.

    "short" is a short amount of characters (normally integers with AvernumScript)

    "void" is simply a function that does not expect to return a value.


    "how much money do you have?"

    would be something that expects a value to be returned

    (thats obviously not real code)




    "you have 5 dollars."

    would be a statement that doesn't expect you to say anything, therefore it does not want a returned value, and is considered a "void" statement.


    P.S. I'm not sure, but I believe that Erika's Cookbook has info on creating shops easily. It can be found in the link section of www.spidweb.com

  4. The reason I did not post the entire script is because of the length of it. If someone WANTS to help me, then I will PM them the script, instead of wasting a bunch of space on a thread when I can find out who will help me, instead of who will insult me because I posted a huge line of code...


    Beyond that SpiderWeb Spam Protection...

  5. Well, I have been working on a script for someone (and the rest of the Blades community) and cannot figure out what is wrong with it. I have searched it and researched it. I am currently taking classes for C++ programming and still can't figure the damn thing out. My logic seems to be flawless... There are no syntax errors, it just won't do what I want it to. If you have the time and the motivation to look through it for me, let me know...

    (and then later check your PM's)

  6. Sigh....


    Shops are in the scenario script. It will be a text file named the exact same as the scenario except that it will be .txt Inside you will find add_item_to_shop() with a bunch of numbers in the shop. After reading 1 part of the editor docs you will learn that some of those numbers are for the number of the shop, some of them are for the items, and some are for how many items there are. If you can't figure it out from there, you're on your own...

  7. Will do...

    Expect it sometime within tonight-saturday depending on how activley I do it, really shouldn't take me more then a couple hours altogether though (at most)


    EDIT: Well, I worked for a while, almost done, just need to work out some bugs as to why it's not working... If anyone has any ideas as to why it doesn't activate let me know...


    WARNING: This is not the completed (obviously) version, this is posted in hopes that someone will tell me why it will not activate...


    NOTE: This is not the whole script, this is like 1/10th of it, but I would like to know if anyone can tell me why this might not activate, from what I have posted


    beginstate 10;


    if(get_flag(299,28) == 0)


    X = FX;

    Y = FY;


    if(get_flag(299,28) == 1)


    X = BX;

    Y = BY;



    if(DifferenceUP >= 1)


    Difference = DifferenceUP;


    if(DifferenceDN >= 1)


    Difference = DifferenceDN;



    if(DamageUP >= 1)


    Damage = DamageUP;



    if(DamageDN >= 1)


    Damage = DamageDN;



    // This checks to see whether or not the party has

    // already climbed this cliff, and whether or not they

    // left the rope there.


    if(get_flag(299,29) == 1)



    // This checks if the party is going back, or forward.


    if(get_flag(299,28) == 1)



    print_str("You climb the rope.");



    // This checks if the party is going back, or forward.


    if(get_flag(299,28) == 0)



    print_str("You climb the rope.");




    // This checks to see whether or not the party has

    // already climbed this cliff, and whether or not they

    // left the rope there.


    if(get_flag(299,29) == 0)



    if(CharHas == false)


    message_dialog("This cliff looks like it could be climbed, but you don't have a rope. Without a rope, the rest of your party wouldn't be able to make it.","");


    // This state should be assigned to a spot covering the

    // area BEFORE the cliff.


    beginstate 11;




    // This state should be assigned to a spot covering the

    // area AFTER the cliff.


    beginstate 12;




    SORRY about the huge post, but if someone could tell me why it will not even activate, it would be extremely usefull.

  8. Hello.

    I'm bored.

    If anyone has an idea for a script (preferrably not too hard) I have nothing better to do for the next 6 hours. Let me know any ideas for scripts that any of you might want. I will do my best to create one, and possibly entertain myself for a while. I need to get more practice for my C++ class anyways.

    Let me know...

  9. YAY!! I got mail, YAY!!!


    Well, I finished it. Anyone interested in it just let me know, I refuse to put it up on a website though, because then anyone can get. I'd rather distribute it myself, that way people who I don't like have to make their own, or get it from someone else...


    YAY!! I got mail, YAY!!!


    EDIT: Oh and Kelandon, that involves way too many SDF's I would rather just set 1 variable for the timer, 1 variable for the drug counter, and 1 variable for whether or not your addicted.

  10. Wow. I have been working on making a script for an item that is a drug (like scribbane herb for example). It is a lot harder to do then I expected. I got the script down, the only problem is I realized that I have to make a state for the drug inside the scenario state, and make a state for the drug timer (how long it's been since the drug was last taken (but only if addicted)) in the Start State. I am almost done, but it's too much to handle in one night, my brain feels like it's going to explode. If anyone has any better suggestions on how to do a drug timer let me know. Also if anyone wants the script when it's done, let me know that too (with E-Mail adress).

  11. Quote:
    Originally written by Let's all be Elves and also Spam:
    Hello, Motrax was never exiled by the Empire! :p At least if you think short-term; I heard the Dragons were driven underground centuries before.
    Hello, like totally, If they were driven underground then by who? Probably the Empire. Same concept. Besides that he's the best choice, all the Exiles sucked anyways.

    BTW: Who cares?
  12. You guys forgot to mention,

    Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai, Vahnatai...

    I could continue, but if anyone spells it wrong again, I'll just sick Kelandon on them...

  13. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    I've never understood why people's favorite is Rentar-Ihrno. She is quite popular, but other than that she has greater magical power than just about anyone else in the world, I don't understand what makes her exceptional in the slightest. She is rather one-dimensional, personality-wise.
    Well, as I see it, I don't need any other reason then she does have greater magical power than ANYONE...
    And the fact that she's Vahnatai really helps.
    She is quite uninteresting personality wise, but thats ok, because if you can create a horde of Alien Beasts, you don't need to have a personality...

    EDIT: Then again, I notice this post is about Exiles, not subterrainean creatures, so I would have to go with the third bandit on the left when you enter the Bandit's Lair from E3 (the ones who stole the crystal) yea... That guy was cool...
  14. UV rays????

    You must know nothing of Erika. Erika was not cursed and thrown into Exile needing the sun. She was cursed to never be able to live on the surface again, because the sun would kill her. My guess is that UV rays, wouldn't have much better an effect...

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