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Everything posted by fifty.fifty

  1. Thank you, Ishad Nha, I just figured it out! (now I feel a bit stupid, because it's far less complicated than I thought) ... and yes, I added instead of multiplied =_=
  2. now this is somewhat out of topic: I'm stuck in the sewers of Hatherond. That is, I don't know how to set the three levers with the prime number(?) encoding (if it has to do with prime numbers at all). Maybe somebody with a keener knowledge of maths could give me a hint?
  3. woah! what bright colours, sparkling waters and sudden mountains have materialized from the black void! Thank you for the idiot-safe description, Niemand; I'm awful with new programms y_y at Tyranicus: if it is the Riveleaf.cmg file (with all the graphics on one sheet) you require I gladly would send it. I'd need your address then.
  4. I tried to convert the graphics with Graphic Adjuster - but all I get is a message: the file has no resource fork, or the like y_y ... anything else I could do?
  5. I have the same problem here: many graphics are invisible, and the party annoyingly slows down in certain places. Three times I tried to re-download - but the same error occurred again. I'm on Mac OS 10.3.9, and my Stuffit Expander is version 10.0.2. What can I do to fix it? I'd really like to play River&Leaf "_"
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