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Posts posted by Hellchimp5

  1. I don't really understand a lot of the negative feedback on A4, here. I'd say it was a bit of a step in a new direction, both in terms of story and gameplay. The Vahnati conflict has finally been neatly resolved, for now, and A5 is looking to deal heavily with the internal political forces clashing within the Empire. As far as difficulty goes, this was the first Avernum game that I found myself unable to play on the hardest setting starting from lvl 1, and I can appreciate that (although I also had a few tough encounters in BoA). The entire game was, as always, masterfully narrated, which is a large part of the reason I enjoy Avernum. Regardless of graphics, it's still more immersive than most rpgs I play. I can, to some extent, understand the points made about gear balance throughout the game, and there are fewer moral issues etc. to face (aside from choosing wether or not to steal everything that isn't nailed down), but overall I certainly feel A4 is on par with the other games. Oh, also, the new system with dead characters is severely more convenient, since you don't have to try and lug all their gear around until you get ressurected. Also, being able to carry any amount of weight, despite suffering an encumberance penalty, is very conveneint for loot runs.

  2. I'm probably posting things too much cause I have nothing better to do, but I need to ask another question about Avernum 2. I have at least lvl 2 of all spells, I've bought 5 levels of gymnastics, vahnati lore, magery, and barter for all my characters who need it, and Silverlocke has sold out of knowledge brews... Is there anything else I can spend all my money on, aside from maybe pathfinder or anatomy? Thanks for all the previous advice and any given in the future, people.

  3. I managed to receive a Dread Curse from some evil witches. I travelled around with it for a while, until a priest somewhere told me to see if the Tower of Magi could help me out. But before I ended up there, the curse had mysteriously disappeared. Could this have been from, say, praying at the statue in Gnass? If so, would I have received some sort of nice blessing if I hadn't been cursed at the time? If I find out I missed something nice like that, I'll be a bit upset...

  4. Do you need to buy/summon ursagi? They're a decent monster, but not especially tough or interesting. Also, I think they are a monster which you can summon by normal magical means in Avernum 3 anyway... What I like is the concept of The Arena in Avernum 1 at Spire: You get paid to just walk into a room and kill a group of monsters, and you can do it more than once.

  5. Does anyone else miss being able to hold 2 one-handed weapons, and having dozens of spells at your disposal that you'd probably never want to use? Also, most of the more powerful spells targeted an area, rather than individual monsters, and you could create fields. I liked that. Not to dis the Avernum Trilogy, it's just missing some features I really liked in Exile...

  6. I'm looking to do any beta testing anyone needs. I'm only going to be able to play through the Za-Khazi Run and Diplomacy With The Dead 2 or 3 more times before I get bored, and there don't seem to be many other scenarios out yet. I'm fully willing to play through any scenarios anyone is making and give some sort of hopefully useful feedback. I'd make my own, but even if it weren't for my complete ineptitude with the workings of programming, it's more work than I'm willing to put in.

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