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Everything posted by eccentricflower

  1. This is a little premature, since I am just now finishing A1 - but I know the signs of addiction when I see it, and I figured I might as well go ahead and install the others. Anyway ... I see that Avernum 3 has some timed events. In fact, I went to some of the walkthrough pages, and it looks like it's about as bad as it could be: Not only do certain events happen when a fixed amount of time has elapsed, but with at least one major event, you only have a certain amount of time to deal with it. *I hate quest games that have time-driven events.* Hate hate hate hate hate. It means I am scared to let my characters rest, scared to take my time exploring every little nook and side tunnel as is my way, and so a great deal of the fun of the game is removed for me because I'm always wondering what's happening if I don't watch the clock. I see that you can play around with the game-day counter in the editor, and I may have to do that if I'm going to play A3 at all. (Or I may skip it when the time comes and go straight to Blades, unless that has elapsed-time-driven events too.) What I'm looking for with A3 is a list of things which happen, and roughly how long you have to go before they happen. I like these games a lot and I want to play A3 if I can. If I have to keep setting the game back to day 159 over and over (to give the obvious example) so I feel I have the freedom to explore, so be it. I just need to know where the key times are so I can try very hard never to let the clock get there until I'm good and ready. Anyone have any information that can help?
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