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Posts posted by Nicothodes

  1. I gave my party a quest that is completed through going to another place in town and answering 'yes' to a special encounter(the quest doesn't give experience, it's just to advance the plot). When you answer yes, you are told by the special encounter to go to your house and go to sleep. If the party answers no, the special encounter is just go away. However, whenever the party activates the special encounter, no matter what it answers, it repeats the question and when the party answers again, the special encounter goes away.


     beginstate 10;reset_dialog ();add_dialog_str (0, "text", 0);add_dialog_str (1, "text", 1);add_dialog_choice (0, "Yes");add_dialog_choice (1, "No");choice = run_dialog(0);if (run_dialog(0) ==1) {set_flag (0, 1, 1);set_state_continue(11);}break;beginstate 11;reset_dialog ();add_dialog_str (0, "text", 0);break; 
  2. Well...what if you can find a spellbook, but you can't understand what it says. There's also a crone in the village who is generally regarded as crazy and she translates it. It shows what Zama was doing. If you don't find the spellbook, you complete the tasks and leave the valley forever and are stuck in a horrible place. If you confront Zama, he kills all or most of the other villagers(maybe?) so at the end you are left either to abandon the valley or try to rebuild the village. Well? Thoughts?

  3. I was thinking they do these three quests and then Zag will say "one more task..." Then this merchant guy stumbles into this valley. There's this guy in the village who's rebuilding his house and has a saw. When you ask him about it(there's no metal) he says he found it one day and assumed it was gift from Zag(the god). Then the merchant will say "Hey! That's my saw! I lost it a year ago(or something) while traveling". The the merchant will go on to tell you about the outside world and will mention magic(pretty much "for show") that sounds a lot like what Zama(the prophet) does when he communicates with Zag in front of others.

  4. I just started a very small scenario which has one outdoor section and will have one town and one or two dungeons. It was mainly started to learn about the editor and I'm about a quarter of the way through the town. I'm nopt sure how quickly it will go with school, but I can probably get at least ten minutes a day in. The paragraph really is


    Party lives in small isolated village and no one in the village knows anything of the outside world. The party is getting bored and wants to leave. The party's god, through prophet, offers to let them leave if they do 3 tasks. Party does tasks and in doing so finds that the god does not exist and the prophet is a liar taking advantage of the village. The party kills prophet(or something-that's the most obvious solution, but not neccessarily the best).


    I'm on EST.

  5. I'm trying to put in a special encounter but it's not showing up in the game. I put the area which will trigger it and linked it to the code but it's not working. Here's the code it's linked to.


    beginstate 10;


    add_dialog_str (0, "This is where the dead are remembered. The shrine is consisted of four small pools.", 0);

    add_dialog_str (1, "Do you want to wash yourself in one of the pools?", 1);

    add_dialog_choice (0, "Yes");

    add_dialog_choice (1, "No");

  6. I just gave an NPC a quest to give to the player. When he gives it, it says "A quest has been added to your list", like it's supposed to, but when I go to the list it doesn't have anything, not even the title of the list at the top. What's going on?

  7. I got my version of the 3D editor a few months ago and it worked fine. Today, when I tried to use it either right after I tried to make a new scenario or open an old one, it would quit. I downloaded the newest version and tried that one, and the same thing happened. The only thing that's changed about the computer is that we upgraded the OS to 10.4. Does anyone have any ideas why it's not working?

  8. I was learning how to put dialogue in a scenario, and I scripted a town script and a town dialogue script and put a person in a town. When I go into the scenario and try to talk to the person though, it says there is no dialogue loaded. I cannot figure out what I did wrong. Any ideas?

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