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Posts posted by Red_Sage

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    If Al can do all that while working within a single game engine, why can't Jeff do that with the benefit of being able to program a new engine for every game?
    Jeff does the manpower work equivalent of atleast 7 (story, gamedesign *2, programming*3, some art), Al perhaps the work of 3 maybe 4.
  2. Baldur's Gate I - II is crap compared to Planescape Torment. Epic storylines are engaging but not moving. Alot of people are comparing A4 to prior offerings with rose tinted glass, making them unable to judge objectively.


    Technically A4 is the best offering yet, most detailed art yet (though not as vibrant as those of Exile series) with fuller animations,seamless world, a more streamlined fighting engine, removal of retarded annoyances as weight limits, secret doors, arrow hoarding, food, sleep, death and highly contrived puzzles. Storywise though, it is pretty straightforward albeit a fair bit engaging.


    My only qualms are the removal of potion brewing - i liked the sense of accomplishment from looking at my very own potion i brewed, reduced variation and hence strategy in spells: simply damage and heal :S, no capture soul, scry monster, stealth, etc., walk distance limit and finally having to enter fight mode to kill a rat when at level 20.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    If you want the real reason, it's because of the way that numbers are stored in computers. Your current coin total is stored as a signed two-byte integer, which can only go up to 32767 before it wraps around and becomes negative. To prevent wraparound bugs, a cap is imposed at 30000.
    That seems strange, I dont think thats why. Why not simply use a 32 or 64 bit integer then? And your XP can go much higher than that. Which even in memory is at least 16 bits (likely 32 bits) in width. On disk your eXp = val_at_offset_5fc3 * 256 + val_at_offset_5fc2
  4. Hey guys, i've been getting a fair bit of interest in the "editor" I wrote some weeks ago. Sorry for not actually uploading it. It was sort of a quick weekend hobby project to figure out the save format and ehm redistribute some points... Anyways I really didnt think far forward cause I wrote it in C# and targeted the .Net 2.0 platform. I apologize for this, although in the future, thanks to projects like this , targeting .net would gurantee cross platform availability.


    But if you have windows and a fast internet connection then I suggest you download the .Net 2.0 platform anyway. Lots of new stuff gonna need it and you're gonna have to get it sooner or later.



    * Avernum 4 Skills/Traits Editor




    To use it goto your avernum directory open the folder corresponding the slot you wish (i.e. save17, i believe is quicksave) and open the file "data".



    private int[] off_arr = new int []{24006,29158,34310,39462 }; //offsets for each character


    fs.Seek(curr_off, SeekOrigin.Begin); //c_data, s_data etc are all of type byte or unsigned char for C++ people.

    fs.Read(c_data, 0, 61);//stats

    fs.Seek(19, SeekOrigin.Current);

    fs.Read(s_data, 0, 79);//spells

    fs.Seek(241, SeekOrigin.Current);

    fs.Read(t_data, 0, 29);//traits

  5. Hey guys, i've been getting a fair bit of interest in the "editor" I wrote some weeks ago. Sorry for not actually uploading it. It was sort of a quick weekend hobby project to figure out the save format and ehm redistribute some points... Anyways I really didnt think far forward cause I wrote it in C# and targeted the .Net 2.0 platform. I apologize for this, although in the future, thanks to projects like this , targeting .net would gurantee cross platform availability.


    But if you have windows and a fast internet connection then I suggest you download the .Net 2.0 platform anyway. Lots of new stuff gonna need it and you're gonna have to get it sooner or later.



    * Avernum 4 Skills/Traits Editor




    To use it goto your avernum directory open the folder corresponding the slot you wish (i.e. save17, i believe is quicksave) and open the file "data".



    private int[] off_arr = new int []{24006,29158,34310,39462 }; //offsets for each character


    fs.Seek(curr_off, SeekOrigin.Begin); //c_data, s_data etc are all of type byte or unsigned char for C++ people.

    fs.Read(c_data, 0, 61);//stats

    fs.Seek(19, SeekOrigin.Current);

    fs.Read(s_data, 0, 79);//spells

    fs.Seek(241, SeekOrigin.Current);

    fs.Read(t_data, 0, 29);//traits

  6. I find it amusing people are arguing about biological limitations in a world where the laws of physics hold no sway and magic rules. Conservation of matter for one , and gravitational effects for the other (ridiculously high weight carrying, dont get me wrong I like the removal of such annoying things that do not enhance the game experience - ppl play games to escape reality, not to have to eat, pee, shower, sleep). I see no reason why in a world of magic, cross breeding between species would not be possible. Ehm, Half Dragon/ Half Human? Divinity in bloodline (Divinely Touched).


    Dintiradan, some sliths never reach the age of thought or some similar. All sliths are born little less than lizards until someday, abruptly, they can have thoughts. It is not a sure thing however, since some sliths never experience this phenemonom and hence never have thoughts and remain primitive.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Euphemism Wrapped in an Innuendo:
    Spellcraft and Magery are functionally identical. Raise whichever costs fewer skill points (so you'll eventually raise both). They increase the bonus in the formula for spell effects.

    Magical Efficiency doesn't improve your spells, but it has a chance of reducing the amount of energy you expend by casting them. Since this is a random chance and not very likely even for significant amounts of Magical Efficiency, it's generally considered a nearly worthless skill. I wouldn't bother putting points in it.

    —Alorael, who can also add that all skills affect mage spells and priest spells identically except for the obvious pair of skills dedicated solely to one or the other.
    Actually, at 100, your efficiency is so good that you end up might as well having infinite spell energy. Everything costs 0. With the odd spell costing 1 -2 albeit easily replaced by first aid.
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Euphemism Wrapped in an Innuendo:
    Spellcraft and Magery are functionally identical. Raise whichever costs fewer skill points (so you'll eventually raise both). They increase the bonus in the formula for spell effects.

    Magical Efficiency doesn't improve your spells, but it has a chance of reducing the amount of energy you expend by casting them. Since this is a random chance and not very likely even for significant amounts of Magical Efficiency, it's generally considered a nearly worthless skill. I wouldn't bother putting points in it.

    —Alorael, who can also add that all skills affect mage spells and priest spells identically except for the obvious pair of skills dedicated solely to one or the other.
    Actually, at 100, your efficiency is so good that you end up might as well having infinite spell energy. Everything costs 0. With the odd spell costing 1 -2 albeit easily replaced by first aid.
  9. The only thing I dislike are the lack of awesomely detailed item descriptions of the exile series and no Scry monster spell. I guess I miss capture soul/simulacrum as well. Otherwise great game, everything is streamlined for less headache and more gameplay. Like the seemingly seamless world too.

  10. I finished the editor to a decent state but it requires .NET 2.0 framework since i wrote it in C#. You can get that from microsoft. I used Visual C# for GUI design purposes only, little else allows as smooth Rapid application development. The actual data itself requires little code. I will also post what i have decoded at the end of this post. I might come back to this later to add item support. Dunno.



    scr23el.th.gif scr15ib.th.gif scr34te.th.gif


    Notice the -131% XP adjustment on my character, if you have more than 2 positive traits the XP adjustment starts to go down! I havent upload the exe file yet but will if anyone is interested.


    Core code:

    private int[] off_arr = new int []{24006,29158,34310,39462 }; //offsets for each character                fs.Seek(curr_off, SeekOrigin.Begin); //c_data, s_data etc are all of type byte or unsigned char for C++ people.                fs.Read(c_data, 0, 61);//stats                fs.Seek(19, SeekOrigin.Current);                fs.Read(s_data, 0, 79);//spells                fs.Seek(241, SeekOrigin.Current);                fs.Read(t_data, 0, 29);//traits   
  11. I'm making one but unfortunately, it will only be for windows users (being as I'll be using Visual C++ .NET) and I dont think I have the stamina to allow for item editing. Itll just be stats, traits and money editing. Ive figured out most of the save format info with regards to characters.


    "Header" stores the little image, time, date and all that. "Data" is where character info starts. Stuff like Level, for the first character, is stored at the 23968th byte, stats begin at the 24006th etc. I was bored last night. laugh


    p.s. i started because i didnt pay attention to the unlock door - tool use connection. madmad Took care of that problem. smile

  12. I'd just like to point out that all games by their nature use ~100% of the CPU time because they are either using most resources exclusively when in focus and even when idle, run a nonterminating main loop. Hence the CPU usage. Not a bad thing. The CPU usage is likely unrelated to your problem.

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