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Posts posted by Inferior

  1. Quote:
    As I was playing it in the beginning I was a bit dissapointed, again with the descriptions of what everything was (I know they are supposed to be stand alones, and I know that so far they have all taken place in remote/not known locations so a Student is not supposed to know many things, but, still, it got repetitive for me.)
    I agree. The stories of Geneforge 1, 2 and 3 are too similar.

    I loved the graphics.
    In my opinion, the graphics of the environment, indeed, greatly improved. The desert no longer looks like a toxic wasteland, and the new tilesets have a very good style.

    I had some problems with the dialogue choices, in so far as some events that take place I think should give you new dialogue: for instance, if you go to Lankan after you destroy the Rogues, shouldn't he say something about, or you get the chance to boast to him? (if that happens, I've forgotten it)
    The dialogue choices irritated me as well. I could not even discuss with Litalia about her moral issues. I didn't have the option to attempt to convince her how senseless and unnecessary the war was.

    The Shapers certainly astoundingly mistreat their creations, but Litalia intends to sacrifice many hundreds of millions of lives to achieve her goals, and uses Skill Canisters, which poison and corrupt the mind.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Dolphin:
    Originally written by hawk king:
    Originally written by Mind:
    Yes. It could be found to the north of Barzahl's fortress.

    In fact, it isn't entirely useless. By creating Ornks, you can convert essence into edible meat. With the help of an Essence Pool, raising Ornks this way is a very lucrative job.
    how do you do that ?¿?

    or wait are you joking ¿?¿
    That was obviously a joke.
    The meat of slain Ornks can be picked up. I'm not sure, however, if Ornks which you shape yourself do so.
  3. Quote:
    1. First of all, how many different factions are
    there? Loyal shapers, Rebels, ...
    does Litalia belong to a different faction than Rebels?
    There are only two factions: The loyal shapers and the rebels. Litalia is on the rebels side.

    2. So, is it better to choose a faction right at the start, or is there a way to postpone the decision
    until very end?
    Your last chance of changing sides is on Gull Isle, in the town of Stonespire.

    3. How do "drastic" items influence the opinions
    of those around, I don't mean killing someone,
    but giving research notes from the mine to a human mage or delivering a canister to Rebel on the
    second island?
    Helping the rebels on Harmony Isle, I believe, will significantly affect your reputation.

    In my humble opinion, the Shapers are somewhat less corrupt than the rebels. The rebels fight - or, at least, claim to fight - for a better treatment of the creations of the Shapers, but intend to sacrifice hundreds of millions of lives, including the lives of many creations, to achieve their goal. Besides, they excessively use skill canisters, which poison the mind.
  4. The game screen can't be minimized, which forces me to quit the game - which happens rather slow, as well - every time I wish to do something else, which is rather irritating.


    The preloading screen and preloading music of the previous Geneforge games were far superior of those of Geneforge 3, which gives a rather bad first impression.


    Some drawings are rather unfinished, and the general lay-out could be somewhat better.


    Also, the AI can no longer be enabled.

  5. Yes. It could be found to the north of Barzahl's fortress.


    In fact, it isn't entirely useless. By creating Ornks, you can convert essence into edible meat. With the help of an Essence Pool, raising Ornks this way is a very lucrative job.

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