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Everything posted by Beebop

  1. I'd like to see something to do with making puzzles, what's an RPG without at least one interesting puzzle? On the favourite article thing? I don't want to choose, they've all been interesting, inspiring and useful.
  2. Nah, not on the battlefield. I'm just outside Bel's hall, going to the hall of judgement to start the hunt. From what I can tell a stream of spirit warriors and spirit wolves (or whatnot) keep entering from where the Valley of Annwn enters to the halls area. This wouldn't be much of a problem, except that I don't have an infinite source of spell points. I'm fairly sure they're constantly spawning, I'm not sure somewhere around 30 creatures could fit in the cavern I'm talking about.
  3. I just talked to Bel, and he told me to go do the Hunt. But whenever I try to get to it a seemingly infinite number of spirits float out to attack me. And my SP keeps running out so I can't get past them. Is there really a constant flow, and is there a way around it?(I hope there is...)
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