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Detteh Mehkej

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Everything posted by Detteh Mehkej

  1. Preamble (written after post): this is a bit long. I really, *really* want 1,2,3. Rest is just highly desirable and suggestions. What I would like to see next. (note: I played on easy and normal, I skimmed through this thread and I get lost in my posts easily) 1) better interface - one-click-does-everything is baaad, I want to have absolute and easy control over - what I select (numbers for party memebers, lowercase letters for friendlies, uppercase letters for foes?) - where do I send it (I want grid displayed and move command so that I can move my creations behind other creations) - seeing how much action points will remain and the path it will choose (sometimes creations choose really weird paths - too long, when there is an obvious shorter way) - where when and how will the view center; OK, it would be sufficient if it did not usually do exactly the opposite of what I want, but a bonus would be if active creature was always kept in view (some minimal distance form the border) in such a way as to also keep most enemies in view 2) synchronicity - now I can only activate commands like Load game or Quit if one of my party is active (and not frightened and not AI controlled ...), I want to be able to do these things all the time - similarly, all game messages (like ... is hit for ..., ... gains level) should be displayed when they happen and not blocked until something happens (something usually=my turn) 3) Why is time taken for all those offscreen (not visible) creatures to move as if they were visible? If they are not animated on the screen, their movement should happen *much* faster. 4) Better creation control - let the button panel control creations when they are active - give them default attack mode (melee/missile), give higher creations more attack modes (less effective with lesser cost) and a choice between them, invent a 'move' command ... 5) Finally get rid of that fixed-number-of-items-in-inventory silliness, that was acceptable for games on 8-bit computers, not on computers with at least 1M available RAM ... 6) Make creations more different ... not more types of creations, but differentiate the current ones more ... like bonuses to attributes, armor, resistances, different(not just larger, but overlapping) sets of abilities(spells/attacks), different rates of HP/energy gains at levelups ... 7) I propose a different method of creation levelupping: - don't base their experience gains on PC's level, but their own *experience* level - start every creation at experience level 1 (or something based on their type) - but give them level bonus so that they have equivalent effective starting level (for purposes of attribute determination, HP, energy, ...) - give them some bonuses based on PC's shaping skill at point of their shaping at no additional essence cost (not start at higher experience level, but maybe higher bonus level; higher armor for high shaping; ...) - another bonuses for experience level (on top of the effects of total effective level(HP, energy, attributes)) - possibly an action point or two, levels of parry/quick action, more armor, resistances I was aiming here for a system in which PCs are not penalized (for high levels) with creations that level up slower ... 8) trainers that don't give less if you already know something ... eighter - let all trainers teach a total of two levels for any skill, - let any trainer teach one(two) levels for any skill - let any teacher (and quest reward and special learnign encounter) disperse a fixed amount of skill points on a given skill (and have skills remember skill points invested instead of just level); I would prefer this alternative (with canisters giving bonus levels without increasing skill point cost for another level) 9) Anyway, if a 5 skill point increase can give me +5% at something, why can't I invest 1 skill point for +1%? 10) I am sure I forgot something 11) I hereby give (as much as I am allowed to) spiderweb software rights to use or refuse ideas in this post to its (their's?) liking. Wov, that got long.
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