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Everything posted by rockfanwr

  1. Well. Just wondering ... http://ironycentral.com/harehunter/Avernum5/Maps/MainMap51.html it's a lot different part of avernum than in other games (well... avernum 3 is mostly on surface and upper exile/avernum, so...) Ok. There is "bargha' in a1 a2 a4 a6 and in A5 - 'Bargha gates'. Is it somehow connected to bargha? Just curious how would the avernum world with 'connected' maps looks like.... Is it under, over, next to, or what? The caverns of A5 and the others?
  2. I think it's just opposite. But it should be made in some clever way. As avernum 6 ending stated, it was like avernum got wild, unfriendly, and harsh. And there was like mention/hint about "adventurers" "fortune seekers' or sthg like that. Well... Sound like good rogue-like idea with some crafting too. Maybe a MMO ? (Imagine something like tibia-ots or legend of kesmai-like game, or stgh like that with simple graphics...) And no player "classes' or bull...t like that. Just few races. Human, nephilim, slith, and maybe few more... vahnahtie (fragile but skill-oriented with higher potential... just a 'hard' race to master and to play, nepharim - strong-but-dumber nephilim, more agile-and-strenght oriented), maybe oghres (strong but uninteligent, carrying a lot, maybe high endurance and some extra toughness, but weak potential in spellcasting and little penalty to agility) vampires (posing as humans and visible as humans to other players, with potential in magic, raising undead, ect, but with need for blood (handicapping mechanism and making them 'outcasts' due to need to fight/hunt inteligent races and benefiting from it, or getting weakened/sick from lack of blood). goblin - small, weak, but nimble and good in escaping, hiding, ect in small spaces (too small for bigger races to cross) - could be good thieves/ambushers +ability to tame/use wolves. And those races... goblins/oghres would be unable to interact with avernites, only fight, but would have access to "their" caves with npc's of their kind. Vahnahtie/vampires/nepharim would be "optional interactions", and they could be as well allies or enemies (player choice). As for 3 "canon" playable races - also player choice but with some system making towns hostile for "outlaws". Or some trust system. Or stg like that. less shops, more crude crafting, and for inteligent races - possibility to go for surface ("safe zone" with possibilities to trade, exchange goods (good weapons, supplies ect for gems, artifacts, or loot from avernum caverns... or for goods like f.e. lizard meat, lizard bones, anarea glands (used for alchemy on surface or as souvenir for rich people). Ect. And another idea for that MMO/sequel - perma-death (or some rare possibility to get resurrected) and fast character progression in skills ect (not just unlimited... fast at like half of possible levels and then slower, which would make easy to get medium-skilled char but hard to get any tough ultra-uber-master). And gameplay - just fun on exploring wild areas, not "grinding" monsters but rather avoiding them or carefully hunting, just more like it would be in real life (no hunter is slaughtering the whole forest... rather they just shoot few rabbits or one boar/stag or... uh... 'grinding" of thousands of monsters seems unrealistic and stupid for games but ok it's games but... umm... And as for setting? Let's assume that ending with melanchion living, and everything in 'uneasy balance'. Gladwell - banished and ruling in abyss - a home to renegade mages thugs ect (misfits/outlaws), castle and king starrus domain - struggling but proud. Siths - 'si vis pacem para bellum" and hostile to non-slith trespasers. Vahnahtie lands - hostile unless vahnahtie or unless on some quests/ect, just like a "hardcore" place to be but rich. And places like erika tower - abandoned, but with hell-know-what (rats? Lizards? Other wildlife? Or old but working traps?). I would love to play such thing...
  3. I loved that scenario. Plot - good. But with bittersweet ending (more bitter...). Don't understand the 'enigma" NPC talking about "brillant future" (?!) standing on some shore. Mechanics with invoking elements - cool, masterpiece, but somehow strange. Mixed feelings... Last dungeon - duh... too hard and a bit buggy/messy when jumping via doors with combat mode. Morbane - duh... the requiement for sun stone was little too much, it would be better if it took much more effort without that stone, or if you had to fight him in really really hard way (with maybe a conclusion like 'if we had some weapon against him it would be easier". Dunno. The NPC helping party - cool addition to gameplay, but somehow it was easy to forget about him for long hours. Many subplots and rich possible side activities... i love that scenario, would replay it. I consider it almost proper exile/avernum 'far sequel'. Even throught it contradicts canon of avernum 4-6 (?). But still...
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