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Everything posted by Anidrania

  1. I waited for ~20 autosave cycles at as steep angle as possible from the shores - they all wandered to one of the shores and I got to land The number of wandering monster parties was 9 at that point, quite the sight in that small area.Thanks everyone
  2. Not even holding space (getting the message "You wait")?
  3. Thanks for the reply, tried waiting for a long time at the northeastern corner. I suppose the barrier'ed world isn't big enough for waiting-despawning. Good to know I can access that area at some point though.
  4. Hi, I'd like to ask if any of You have ran into a similar problem before and how could it be solved: Area I want to visit has only 2 patches of shore land. Both of those spaces are occupied by wandering monsters, thus I cannot exit the boat to battle them and explore the area. Is there a way to "delete" wandering monsters? (I know I would have zero problem defeating them anyways) I'm trying to complete the "Investigate Tower" mission. - Ani
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