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Posts posted by Ragge

  1. Slarty went through an analyzed Reputation with how much it would go up and down plus rewards. Keeping it from going too high or low allows you to get quests from both sides. Certain quests or at least reporting back to the quest giver will let you into certain areas.


    You will get into Northforge no matter who you help, but at the end you will need to pick a side for the final battles. Picking it early by helping only one side will cut you off from the other side's quests and may make certain zones automatically hostile. Keeping near neutral by helping both sides and betraying people after they have given you their rewards like naming names to Captain Kane can increase your experience and get you more rewards.


    Sect Reputation

    Link to Insane Analysis


    Ok, Is it possible to see your current reputation in-game?

  2. **SPOILER**


    I am a bit confused at the moment. Am I doing missions for both Shapers and the Rebels? Captain Kane want me to give names of traitors even though they are the people who helped me reach the safehouse. Is there a point in the game where you officially choose a side? Or is REP just going up and down depends what you do and not? The mainquest (as far as I know) is to reach Northforge, which is given by Greta who is on the Rebel side. Is this going to change if I help the Shapers?


    Can someone explain the 'system', please.



  3. As a programmer, I'm guessing that Steam just injects the interface system into the game so I dunno what problem it would cause. (Some games are having issues of course, but when I'm looking at Properties in the Library it says that the Interface is activated on G4)


    Edit: I think the interface is disabled. Even tho the game would use the same key combination as Steam Interface does it should still pop up. It saddens me that it's not working but I guess I'll have to keep tabbing.

  4. Thank you all once again for helping me! I'm sorry if things are going offtopic, might be that other people could take use of this thread as well. I got other questions (surprised? :cool:)

    1. Till now, I've focused on equipment which doesn't give minus to "hit chance". I guess I should focus on defence and ignore the negatives for hit chance? (Or is it harder to cast buffs and heals too?)
    2. I have 3550 gold, any good place to buy me some stuff? I haven't found a master yet who sells spells so I dunno what to spend the gold on.
    3. Should I care about encumbered since I'm mostly gonna focus on heals and buffs? (45 lbs).
    4. Is there any way to increase this stat except using skill points on Strength? (I currently have equipment with STR stats, but I would prefer to use INT of course)
    5. Is it worth spending my gold at Illya's Safehouse for new shapings? (2 available, does not remember the name of them. You guys probably know)

    /Ragge :)


    Edit: Could a mod please change the thread title to "[Geneforge 4] New player having questions". Thanks. :)

  5. Hello. Is this going to be fixed or is there any workaround? It's a bit annoying when people write on Steam and I have to tab down since I have a 1920x1080 screen and all windows get a focus glitch so I have to press Windows Flag+D like 2 times to get focus again. Plus all windows moves to the first screen (I have two). The game recommends to change resolution so that's why I'm using it as setting.




  6. If you want some damage variety, make 3 cryoras and 1 fyora but keep around 15-20 essence.

    DO NOT worry yet about keeping them alive. Sure, it's better if they survive a couple of level-ups but you will end up absorbing them eventually for better creations. They really don't hold up to higher tier creations.


    As a note: Rebels are (IMO) better people so far. Shapers pay better. :) I went pro-rebel in the end, but I was sitting the fence more or less till the end.


    Currently using 3 Cryoras with 39 essence left for use. I have not picked side yet since I have not came so far into the game yet (i guess?).


    Agreed, but 5 is not "very good" fire shaping. For anyone making creations, the value of shaping skills is pretty extreme. Every +1 in a shaping skill gives your creations +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Int, +1 Endurance, plus additional HP and Energy. That means they do more damage, are more accurate, have better evasion, and are more enduring in general. I would keep putting points there for a while before investing in anything like Battle Magic


    Yeah, I will keep focusing on my shaping skills once I have more in mech & leadership. By the way, my character is taking incredibly bad damage (10-14, misses 75% of the time). Shouldn't I care about this?


    Edit: The point might be that I will be the healer and my creatures the damage dealers?

  7. You have very good fire shaping. I would suggest absorbing that extremely expensive cryora and making more with just 2 int. Keep around 15-20 essence free and use blessing magic before fights. Replenish as necessary by going back to safe places. Like Dilame.


    Your early build is actually very good for fights. You should concentrate on mechanics and leadership now in my opinion for at least 3 levels. Getting a 6-7 to mechanics and leadership will make your life easier (and less expensive).


    Thanks! Im gonna launch up the game and try this now. I am very close to level up as you can see so I will spend it on mech at first (so I can remove bombs at the first zones).

  8. General advice:


    As a Lifecrafter, while some Int (for more essence) is good, getting a bunch of early points in one shaping skill will make your creations much, much stronger.


    "Levelling up" your creations stats, other than the 2 points of Int, is incredibly expensive for the little benefit it gives you. You will be much better off just making more creations, especially if you level up the appropriate shaping skill.


    You picked a good creation type though, Cryoas are a good option in G4, especially in the early chapters.


    Ok thanks. Then I'll focus on Fire Shaping next. Dunno when to focus on mech & leadership tho. I have lots of bombs laying around which I couldn't get past.

  9. OH GOD WHY :(

    Putting points there (apart from 2 INT) is just not worth it. Make a clean save, absorb that cryoa and make 2 or 3 cryoas with just 2 points in INT. You should immediately see a difference in combat.


    No mech and leadership means you miss out on quite a bit, usually not advised to start without, not even as a shaper.


    So I should play with like 3 upgraded Cryoa's with only 2 INT each? They will probably die easy then, since my current one gets dropped really fast even though I have 5 on Endurance. And what example did I miss because of no mech & leadership? Do I have to replay everything?

  10. No "Repair Moseh" quest ? Haven't talked to Alwan yet ? You really really want this, just for the easier passage in the barrier zone alone. And lvl 10 at that point with no mech or leadership and only ONE cryoa ? Did you upgrade that cryoa ? Never ever put anything into creation stats apart from 2 points INT. Just go with numbers and better creations once available.


    I probably missed a lot of sidequests...

    My Cryoa:



  11. Regarding quests:


    Northforge is Chapter 5 so don't worry about it for a long time.

    Dumping Pits is an underground area in Therile Colony that is poisonous atmosphere and one way trip until you get out. So bring plenty of healing and keep moving, but there are a few rooms to loot along the way.

    Stranded Rebels is farther to the north and hard at your current level.

    Fackler's Papers is a turn in Research Papers when you find them.

    Kill Moseh is for when you are done with Chapter 2.

    Gibbon's Canisters requires puresteel rings that are at Sandros Mine, one in Rivergate Keep, and one in Thorton ruins.


    The easiest thing to do is go back and kill most things in Chapter 1 areas except the Shaper Camp in the southeast which is very hard even at highest levels. Otherwise go north to Dillame and pickup easy quests and unlock doors for easy experience. Then head south and then west to slowly clear the zones until you reach the Illya Safehouse. Then clear what you missed working your way to the north.


    Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. It makes the guides understandable.


    There are trainers in Rivergate Keep and


    Thanks. Are monsters respawned anytime in cleared areas? I have been to those areas so far:



    By the way, Is it recommended to have one strong or a few weaker shapings? It's also a bit hard to know what to spend skill points on since you... need everything. Got any tips for someone who play Aidan?


  12. Hello there! I am here because I have a problem regarding the game Geneforge 4. I just made it to Chapter 2 and I can't proceed anywhere now. No matter where I go I get slaughtered. I can't go back to the first town either to get myself some new spells since everyone left/died. I have searched for guides and I just found a really big one which was linked here on the forum, but since I started without it it's pretty hard start following it now.


    My current active quests (which I can't find, mostly of them have pretty hard areas. When I look at playthroughs on youtube, people are lvl 25-30 at my location. I have probably missed something. Btw, I'm playing on Normal)

    • Find Northforge.
    • Dumping Pits.
    • Stranded Rebels.
    • Fackler's Papers.
    • Kill Moseh.
    • Gibbons's Canisters.


    This is my current build and equipment. I don't know where to go to level up, it's hard finding guides for specific things in this game. If anyone can help me regarding levels and such (tips too), I would appreciate it a lot!!





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