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The Dirty Nephil

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Everything posted by The Dirty Nephil

  1. I actually wasted skill points throughout the game to get my tool use to 25 on one character.. just to see what was in that locked room on the east side of Cotra. Trust me... don't waste your time on too much Tool Use.
  2. I refused to steal and give up that mirror. Am I the only one who despises the person, and his leader, that you give the mirror to? In fact, if you truly love the nation of Avernum, then put the mirror back.. or just keep it. Don't give it to them.
  3. Thanks a whole lot. After dying about 15 more times trying everything from standing on the pads where his reinforcements are summoned to standing in the doorway across the bridge, to tring to squeeze everyone around that lil' green glyph right in front of him, and everything in between I was about ready to give up. *shakes head* The other dang pylon.. why I do I always overlook the simple, right-in-your-face answers to puzzles on this game?
  4. Okay, am I just trying to take him on too early or is there some trick to beating him? I've just gotten my mission to go in the Northlands and kill the Impaler in Formello, but I stumbled on this place before I headed up that way. I do fine against him at first, ripping into him pretty good and took off maybe 1/4 of his health, then the north pylon turns blue and a couple rounds later BAM, I'm all dead and stuff. Is this supposed to be an instant kill effect that I avoid through some trick? Or am I just too underpowered and don't have the health to be able to withstand it. I've considered using invulnerable potions just before it hits, but don't wanna waste 'em if I don't have to.
  5. Just wait until you come across the Curse Carrying Rats, I think is what they were called, east of Fort Duvno. Accidentally killed 'em all at once and suddenly I'm surrounded by Unstable Rats and unable to move away anywhere... that was ugly. I've had some of the ugliest deaths on this game.. even more so than any of the past ones.
  6. "I need you to kill this" "Oh, you've already killed this... here's your reward." I was frightened about this possibility, too, of missing things cause I felt like exploring the whole map without looking for the quests that might accompany that area. But, so far so good. Except in Bargha where I ran from the soldier coming to the hut cause I thought he was gonna rat me out to Harrar for snooping around, rather than waiting around to see what he did in that hut.
  7. I had to go with Exile 1 for the favorite. I mean, it's the game that hooked me into the whole series. Granted, going back now and replaying, it has clunky gameplay, not as visually stunning, etc. But it's the nostalgia factor that gets me, I think. And the story. Avernum 3, however, was a veeeery close second place, simply because after playing the first 2 games, I think I took as much joy in seeing the surface world again as my game characters did.
  8. Alright, I've been outta the loop for a while, and didn't even realize there was an AV4 until about a week ago. So I've got the demo, about to order the full game,and granted my opinion will carry little weight as I've only seen a small portion of the game. Anyway, Avernum 4 has been exciting and a disappointment for me at the same time. I'm enjoying the story so far. Seem a bit of rehashing, similar a bit to the plagues of Avernum 3, but different enough to keep me interested so far. NPCs are as good as ever, and a few of the gameplay tweaks I've enjoyed. However, a lot of the gameplay tweaks I haven't enjoyed. As I believe someone has already pointed out, it's basically dependent on a combination of mouse and keyboard, which I'm not fond of. I'm not a big fan of the map either. The first time I played I was confused as hell by the transition form dungeon or city to outside. I left that little goblin dungeon to arrive on the outside in that swamp. I thought I was just in a really big, open area of the dungeon until I stumbled on Fort Monastery. Me, personally, I enjoyed having a transition between overworld map and city/dungeon map. That's pretty much all the input I have, though.
  9. Aside from some other decent loot of the type you usually find in dungeons the only thing aside from getting Pachtar's is the satisfaction of winning a fairly challenging battle. Two Drake Lords at once, plus a few Nagas are in there as well.
  10. I think I'd live in Wainscotting. That has got to be the funnest place to live in all ov Valorim.
  11. Not Italian, but there are people of German descent who like to play the Romans. In this game, I suppose they're made a bit to look like the "bad guys." I like the Romans, though. I enjoy studying their empire. Several of the conquered peoples within their lands enjoyed coming into the empire (except, of course, the Celtic people). I mean, nearly all of Europe was plunged into chaos with the fall of the Romans, that's gotta say somethin' for 'em. Besides, the Celtic PCs look kinda dorky on the game compared to the Romans.
  12. Yall are going in the completely wrong direction for a movie. Carmen Electra should play Erika, Pamela Lee should be Prazac, David Hasselhoff should be Anaximander. The Heroes should be played by various blondes in tight red, skimpy outfits. The movie should be called ExileWatch. Great cast for the perfect movie.
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