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Everything posted by SergioCQH

  1. In the fight against the ogres, they surrounded me while I was standing next to the snare turret, and it did nothing.
  2. I keep running into situations where some of my turrets will do nothing at all in combat. Healing pylons won't heal. Blessing pylons won't bless. Attack turrets won't attack the enemy. They always start out doing nothing from the moment they are summoned and keep doing nothing throughout the combat. One fight where I had this problem was on Yutsua's second quest, where I summoned a snare turret that just sat there while the ogres pounded me. Another example is the fight against two mines and a turret leading up to the deep storage under rockridge. I reloaded this fight several times trying to use a healing pylon, but the thing never healed me. I've tried searching for any posts about this issue but it seems as if I'm the only one who's had them.
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