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Level 1 Hermit

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Posts posted by Level 1 Hermit

  1. I just started Geneforge 1 and played as an Agent. Reached the Takers and I feel like Agent just isn't that fun because all I do is shoot fireballs and it's really hard to get past some places. Could someone please teach me how to change my character to Shaper, it seems like a much more fun role. Also, I was tinkering with the files myself and I think I changed the GFPref file to open with notepad... Now I don't know if the game itself will be affected.

    My app is on Steam btw

  2. Yes I am trying to play all possible endings so I will be trying to kill Redbeard, but my gripe was that he didn't do anything the entire game except give me quests and "attack" Chabon. I just wanted to see the 4k hitpoint op leader mow over the Tawon infiltrators you know? :D

    Hopefully there's some difference to the story when I go rebel... B)

  3. I can't believe it. I got so hyped with the ending of Avadon 2 when Redbeard decided to head to Fort Foresight HIMSELF. I thought he would fight Dheless's army, but he didn't even lift a finger to fight the Tawon force. I was so ready to aid him and my fellow Avadon defenders. He just... left his men to die. Also, I wouldn't have mind a defense at the Black Fortress either but it was left to text. :(

    The biggest fight I had was the one at Kostina's fort. I really hope there are more big fights in Avadon 3. ;)


    I think one of the problems of big fights is the lag? Or something to do with the programming where the AI can't handle that much. Not really sure. :huh:


    But all in all, I loved completing the quests and achieving medals. Avadon 2 was great and I can't wait for the next part of this series~! :)

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