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Everything posted by Lightzy

  1. Also none of the 'followers' seem to notice that though they dislike avadon, avadon is currently fighting against someone who they themselves saw is completely insane and. as they themselves heard first hand, wants to "wash the wyldrym with fire and kill everyone", and someone who is 100% to kill them if avadon fails, not to mention that avadon itself is likely to kill them if they get caught, and in some cases even a whole city wants to kill them. They're as developped as a baby who's mad at mom for not letting him stick a fork in the socket, I dunno
  2. With the companions, for example Khalida ---- There's no line where you don't murder the guy and at first Khalida is mad at you, and after a while, if you talk to her properly, she comes around to thanking you for preventing her from commiting murder, or something. They have no arcs. I hope the next avadon game has more character arcs for companions, and that their stories are more multi-layered Also, it seems to my character complete insanity to do those quests because he's basically putting his life on the line for a murdering fanatics temporary agenda, just so the murdering fanatic will remain friendly. Which doesn't really seem to matter, because my character wouldn't want any of these people as friends! Considering Avadons spy network, it seems pretty obvious that redbeard knows/will eventually know pretty much most of the characters avadon-sabotaging shenanigans. If it were me, personally, I'd never risk my life like that for a purpose I don't even believe in just to keep a 'friend' who doesn't mind me risking my life for his personal [censored], but the fact that the character is risking his life doesn't seem to be written in to the script or considered Also, can someone please give me a straight answer? Is there a point in the game where if you don't murder and sabotage for your companions, they leave/betray you?
  3. Davies, by your reply I can see that you are one of those poor people who need to feel themselves 'above' others in order to justify their own existence. More power to you friend, you are definitely 'above' me in your complexity and definitely deserve to exist. Shame, but there you go, what happens to threads eh
  4. Simple question first: Do the companions betray you in the end in avadon2 if you do not murder for them? Secondly, I hate the quests because they seem to provide no real balance, there is only: 1) betray avadon, basic human decency and morals in order to travel with evil companions who are now content, as you let their evil whims come to fruition 2) travel with hateful companions There is no option for choosing normal companions who are sane and not murderous and evil
  5. I know the're optional. The question is whether they betray you in the end like they did in the previous game if you don't go along with them, making the end fight very difficult and thus putting a gamey element in the mix
  6. After doing some more follower quests I can say without any doubt: All of your companions are disgusting, murderous, thieving assholes, and I hate each and every one of them. I only did their quests because the game forces me to, so that they don't 'betray' me in the end like I suspect they might if I don't murder and steal for them. It's a gamey mechanic and one that I hate as well. That one of your partners just has to go murder someone and if you don't MURDER him in cold blood for doing nothing that horrible really, she's 'no longer your friend',. and not only murder him, but basically it's a political assassination that makes a whole city hate you and avadon And another follower that has you murder a whole BUNCH of people in what I can only describe as an act of terrorism driven by nationalistic motives ?! WTF? And the only solution in which they're still on your side is the one that is the most disgusting and horrible? wtf? it doesn't even have anything to do with avadon anymore, it's me personally (and/or my character) that is disgusted with them Question: Will they betray you in the end if you don't go along with their nefarious murder, assassination, whole sale slaughter and petty thievery like I suspect?
  7. What is it with every single hand of Avadon being completely disloyal? Can't there ever be a hand that actually believes in the damn thing? That puts duty above personal [censored]? That's the type of people Avadon hires? no wonder it fell. I feel disgusted doing the companion quests They're all such assholes, thieveing plotting betraying or just outright murdering for sport, 2 games in a row now (yes I know it's explained in the first one) Honestly I'm only doing them in case there's one of those endings where they stick with you or abandon you in the end, and on the slightest chance that a single one of them would prove him/herself to be worthy of the title So far haven't found one Awesome game btw
  8. Killed the final boss in ogre's thicket. Now I have no way out. The room with the trapdoor inside it is locked with no ability to pick, the exit door is locked with no ability to pick, I can't go back outside through the 'skeleton spawn obelisk' room because there's drawbars blocking the way, And the bridge across the river that the shaman destroyed is, of course, still destroyed. wtf dude
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