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New 'scenarios' available


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My family just did a one-hour scenario contest with just four of us. The scenarios, if you can call them that, are available here.


Has anyone else ever tried this? Trying to throw together a finishable scenario in one hour was a very tense and exciting experience for me. The kids are begging for another one soon, so I'm assuming they had fun too.


Though maybe two hours would be a more reasonable time limit for next time. Most of us ended up needing to cut out huge chunks of content in order to fit it in on time. ;-)


Anyway, I hope someone gets some tiny bit of enjoyment from this, even if it be only to spur you on to your own impromptu scenario creation.




Edit: My scenario is the one with a custom graphics file, and I included a mac-colored .gif. If someone could convert that to the proper format for mac users, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


Edit 2: Atlas was the scenario with the 0,0 node problem, and I had changed several of the nodes prior to the original release. In my further investigations I found a few that had slipped through the cracks, including the victory messages for completing quests. These have been corrected and the new version is now available. If anyone even cares. tongue



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