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Hunting the lord (spoilers)


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Hi everyone, I've been lurking here for a while and finally decided to create an account laugh


I'm at the quest where I'm supposed to go back to the castle in Khemeria and kill/bring back the king who supplied the evil wizard.


When entering the castle I did see a message stating something like "despite what you were expecting there aren't any soldiers waiting for you... blablabla...the king is "somewhere" in there and you'll have to confront him."


The problem is that the castle is empty as far as I can tell. From what I've seen here, I'm supposed to meet him in his throne room, which will lead to fighting his wife in the grove. But he's just not there, the whole castle is empty and the unexplored areas to the east are not accessible because of doors I can't open (yet?).


Dhorl Stead is pretty much deserted as well, except for a few people who don't seem able to help me. The dialog implies people are getting slaughtered outside, even though I haven't killed anyone in the village...


Did I miss something that would allow me to meet the king? Can someone confirm I'm supposed to meet him in the "throne room" (near the anvil/forge)?


If this is a bug, is there a console command I could use to trigger the event with the king?


Thanks for your help!

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