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Just bought iPad version!!


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Yeah! Can't tell you how excited I am. It seems pretty sweet so far.


I was just browsing games by release date, and Avadon was on the second page. How freaking cool!


Already left a review, but it isn't showing up on the store yet.


Thank you for releasing this on a weekend smile

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The ability to not flip the screen is very annoying as I bet alot of Ipad owners are used to having their setup a certain way too.


Is this something that is hard to change?


BTW, my first game from spiderweb. The price point on the Ipad was very good to try something new.


I know some people are complaining on other threads but I think bringing in new players is beneficial for everyone. If the Ipad version does well it would be easier for the company to lower the price point on other platforms I would think.

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Originally Posted By: Mivo
I had some screen-size concerns, but those proved to be unfounded. smile My only nit-picky nitpicking is that the screen is fixed and doesn't rotate (I like my home button on the right side), but that is really very tiny!

I also like the home button on the right side, I couldn't explain a legitimate reason why though. I guess I tend to hit the home button with my right thumb usually.
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Originally Posted By: macdude22

I also like the home button on the right side, I couldn't explain a legitimate reason why though.

I can. It's the side that the power cable goes into, and if I want to charge my iPad while playing in bed, it has to point to my right, as the other side will be occupied by my wife. Luckily, Avadon doesn't seem to be a battery waster though. :-)
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