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Geneforge 4 endings

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The ending permutations work like this


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The rebel ending is pretty much the same, so long as you kill Alwan and Greta and release the Unbound without modifying the power settings (independent of canister use).


The Trakovite ending depends on what power level you use.

Putting the power on High creates incredibly powerful Unbound but destroys the vats so they can;t create more. The war rages on, and noone wins. Also, you get executed for treason.

If you put it on low power, you get thrown in jail for a lifetime, but you also stop the drakon's mad plans and are revered by the human side of the revolution.


The Shapers endgame is split three ways.

If you save Alwan and Greta's life, and use less than 7 canisters, you get the best ending.

If you do one but not the other, you are sent into exile on the Isle of Spears.

If you do neither, you still save them, but they imprison you, experiment on you, and then kill you.


I think that's all, and there are some other minor effected based on whether you killed Monarch, whether you saved the Illya safehouse, etc.

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