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Posts posted by Tanstaafl

  1. Using iPad version in case that matters.


    Are you able to delay your turn in combat - like older versions where party member #1 has turn then #2, then #3 might wait so party member #4 has a turn and it goes back to 3?


    And does wait no longer do an automatic hit to apporaching mobs? The old games if you hit end turn with movement left, you swung at next monster that entered melee range.



  2. My perspectives as a returning player.


    Seeing it available on the iPad - made it an instant snap purchase, and I have been loving it.


    I played the hades out of Exile 3 and Blades (Exile and Avernum), I loved just how big exile 3 was. finding the secret tunnels, I think I missed a few things before I went online, but found nearly everything by head banging my way around the isle and every freaking crevice in dungeons.


    I was mixed thoughts about this, it was great fun at the time, but that head banging/grinding play would make me bang my head against the keyboard now. I'm only just started in the A:EFTP, and find the subtle blocks very difficult to see even after getting nice big messages 'look over there' aka bandit fort. I hope these messages continue, 'cause i am going to miss a lot of secret places without them.


    My big disappointments so far have been the lack of the non human races, but if that's coming in later title, it's all good.


    The levelling system seems inferior to the old one. I miss it. Enough that purchase me some old school avernum.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm loving A:EFTP even without my ol' levelling system of choice. But it feels watered down and far less diverse.


    The no 'wait in combat' going annoys me, but I'm getting used to it. The bada bing recharge when entering town - well I see the point, and seems to be well better RPGish (or is it just more a timesink the way it is now?) than the run out of module, rest, re-enter.


    In all, it doesn't suck, I feel it to be an interesting reinterpretation of the game with the mechanics changes more pleasing than others smile

  3. Originally Posted By: Death Knight
    Cool party! I like the bit where you named your characters after what they would be if class were an issue. Im definitely thinking of making an Amazon or some type of spear warrior after my 1st go through. Might use backstab-Shadowlancer or something cool like that.

    Same here, I like the backstory thoughts behind them.
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