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Posts posted by :Slash:

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Dikiyoba:
    That's not very realistic, even if it is true.

    Dikiyoba wishes Dikiyoba could sneak into Bargha (sp?) and cause all sorts of havoc, regardless of the danger.
    Yep. I remember coming back just before I kicked Garzahds ass and taking on the biggest attack party they had, slaughtering it in three rounds. My two wizards deepfried them... laugh
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Tom:
    You can use the keypad, too.
    I know, I know... Since I've played all of my spidweb games on my dads laptop, I never could use the numpad, so I rarely take it into consideration...

    As for the engine behaving strangely, my guess is that all the boxes for lava(and, indeed, that ice sludge found here and there) were checked, so to speak(You know, 'party can walk on - check' 'boat can travel on - check') and the engine mixes it up and lets you walk on it, but not land on it...
  3. Aaah, I remember trying to fight my way through the empire barricades. The fight gradually get tougher, and soon they gave me loads of xp. Imagine my surprise when I got the "You were overrun by the whole empire army bla bla" message. Hell, my party at the end of A2 could probably take on their whole empire and come out mostly in one piece, if you threw them a dozen invulnerbility potions or so.

  4. Sure, the Anama suck. But they've got a point. Magic is way to dangerous for just about anyone to learn and use. At the very least they should not let anyone use magic without proper tutoring. Although this might lead to some of the chaos portrayed in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.


    Anyway, I was too moral to rob the Anama. I just didn't join them(well, once, when I had a four-priest party).

  5. All I get is an error. You sure you got the URL right?


    Actually, you can just post a link to somewhere from where I can download it. You don't have to make it a direct link like that.


    Thanks anyway, though.

  6. Will my BoA work on PC? I doubt it, since I bought it before the windows version came up, but I wanted to make sure. And if it doesn't, will I have to pay full price for a new game in order to play my BoA on the PC I'm gonna buy in a couple of weeks? Or will I get a discount or something?

  7. teleport_party only works inside of towns, when move_to_new_town does not work(or does it?)


    Kelandon, what do you mean? The party will use the amulet the first time inside of town, when not in a fight, so they will have to be somewhere where they will fit. The game would remember their locations as SDFs, the x coordinate as (90,10) and the y as (90,11), and then when the amulet was used again, it would move them to these coordinates in this town(90,12).


    Anyway, is there any place where I can go and sumbit any wishes for scripts in the next BoA patch? Because if you modified the move_to_new_town call so that it would work everywhere, or at least in scen scripts. No wait, cancel that. If that call would work everywhere, then you would be able to transport an NPC to a new town, which would probably crash the game. Ok, so just in the scen script.

  8. Long time no see... Although I doubt anyone remembers me. Or gives a doodle. (I forgot, are these forums censored?)


    Anyway, I'm trying to recreate the Mark/Recall thing you get in some games. Anyone who has played Baldurs Gate or Morrowind will know what I mean. Problem is, I've gotten as far as making a custom item (an amulet) that will run a scenario state, and mark the location by transforming the location of the first character into three SDFs = The x coordinate, the y coordinate, and the town number.


    Then I tried to actually move the party into the marked spot. Now here's where the problems begin.


    You can't run the move_to_new_town and teleport_party calls from the scen script. I tried bypassing this by making a run_town_script instead, and making state 60 and 61 in each town script move the party to a new town/teleport party.


    Now apparantly, you can't use the run_town_script inside a scen. script either. Which sucks.


    So, I'm at a loss. I really want to get the Recall thing in.


    Anyone know any solution to this problem? I thought about making this Mark/Recall thing into a custom ability, but its relativily late now, and I'm pretty tired, so I'm gonna chec it out tommorow insteas.


    Here's the final script that I came up with. state 60 and 61 in the town scripts will use the calls move_to_new_town or teleport_party based on SDF's 90,10; 90,11; and 90, 12.


    (variables are i,j,town,coordx,coordy, and choice)


    beginstate 10;

    if ((is_town() == 1) && (is_combat() == 0)){


    add_dialog_str(0,"The bluish amulet glows faintly as you hold it in your hand. Do you want to activate it?",0);

    add_dialog_choice(0,"Activate the amulet.");

    add_dialog_choice(1,"Put it back in your inventory.");

    choice = run_dialog(1);

    if ((choice == 1) && (get_flag(90,15) == 0)) {




    add_dialog_str(0,"You concentrate on the amulet, at the way the light reflects across its slightly metallic surface, just like the old wizard taught you. You reach out, carefully, with your mind, caressing the amulet with your essence.",0);

    add_dialog_str(1,"The amulet starts to glow more brightly, its bluish light casting surreal shadows everywhere. You concentrate harder, and the crystal fires a beam of light downwards, into the ground.",0);

    add_dialog_str(2,"Then, without warning, the amulet ceases its magic, and the surreal light vanishes, leaving only the ever-present marine glow of its harsh surface.",0);

    add_dialog_str(3,"You bend down and examine the ground where the ray of light from the amulet had struck. Sure enough, there, on the ground, is a small pentagram, imprinted there by the amulet. Just as the old wizard said.",0);

    add_dialog_str(4,"(The amulet has now marked this location, and the next time you use it, it will transport you here.)",0);


    choice = run_dialog(0);

    if (choice == 1){

    coordx = char_loc_x(0);

    coordy = char_loc_y(0);

    town = current_town();




    print_str_color("Your position is now Marked.",4);




    if ((choice == 1) && (get_flag(90,15) == 10)) {



    add_dialog_str(0,"You concentrate on the amulet, just like you did last time. However, this time, the bluish light of the amulet turns red, as soon as you touch it with your essence. The building glow envelopes you, blinding you, filling your mind with the red light.",0);

    add_dialog_str(1,"When the light fades, you realize you are in a different place. You look around, and recognize the familiar setting as the place where you last used the amulet.",0);

    add_dialog_str(2,"The glow of the amulet starts to recede, but before it is completely gone, it reaches out and envelops the mark it had left previously. Then, suddenly, the amulet is back to normal, glowing slightly with a bluish tint.",0);


    choice = run_dialog(0);

    if (choice = 1){

    if (current_town() != town)


    if (current_town() == town)




    if (choice == 2){


    add_dialog_str(0,"You put the amulet back into your pack. Magic isn't to be taken for granted.",0);








    Its probably pretty poor compared to some of the stuff I've seen in Kelandons and others scenarios, but hey, I ain't that good at this. Yet.

  9. I downloaded the "Nine Variations on Point B", "High Level Party builder", and a couple of other scenarios(straight from Kelandons webpage), and my Blades of Avernum diodn't play them, saying that the call "clear_buffer" doesnt exist. I went into the scripts, and tried to figure it out. I've never heard of, or seen these scripts = "clear_buffer", "append_string", "append_number", etc.


    So, whats going on? Is a new patch available? Where? i haven't seen anything on Spidweb...


    Or is there something wrong with my game? Hardly.


    I want to know why those calls don't work on my game, and also how to use them. They seem pretty neat...

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