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Confused Knight

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Posts posted by Confused Knight

  1. Yeah, sorry, it was Avernum: Escape from the Pit, and they do not have Avernum 6 listed in the iPad Mac App Store. Although I will definitely keep an eye out for A6! (And without giving away major spoilers, can you tell me why they're skipping 2-5? Or is the 6 not a sequential thing?)

  2. This summer I became acquainted with both Avadon and Avernum via my iPad. I loved Avernum and I really liked Avadon (up until the exhausting to defeat ending). Since finishing both I've been jonesing for more, but unfortunately these are Spiderweb's only two releases in the App Store and all I have is an iPad. My question is this: does anybody have any suggestions for similar games via the App Store? If not similar, at least as equally amazing? I'm really into fantasy/adventure but am kind of new to the genre (and video games in general). Thanks for your responses in advance

  3. Does Hand Barne ever amount to anything (i.e. quest or do you get to help him)? I'm confused about why he's there and why I can't help him.


    Also, why no maps/info on the FAQ about the Keeper's Tower? I'm currently on the Titan Peaks quest and made my way up there today while snooping around Avadon. I was surprised to not see any maps/info on it. I didn't know whether to drink the sustenance, so I did - bad choice. Then I went back and abstained, and now was I just questioned by Redbeard (I lied). Can anyone tell me what happens if you confess to being up there? Also you can see a lot of surrounding floor space around the stairs at the top of the tower - will we ever be able to access this?


    Sorry that's a lot of questions, but I couldn't find any info on these here or through Google (:

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