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Posts posted by Mitcian

  1. Originally Posted By: Jerakeen
    This sounds like one of the Shadowwalker abilities, specifically Cunning Decoy. The real Shadowwalker leaps away, leaving a fake in his place. I found this to be a bit buggy in the Mac version too, but not game-breaking. Could this account for what you're seeing, Mitcian? I don't think it explains Jt's problem, since (s)he doesn't mention the shade reappearing.

    I highly doubt it. I have started eexperiencing similar problems with other NPCs in the ggame usually when they are somehow involved in a quest and combat. They perform an ability then no longer move before despawning after a few turns or suddenly getting one hit killed from full health. After that I'm usually stuck on the quest.
  2. Ive been experiencing very similar problems but with a different quest.

    It usually involves an NPC who gets stuck after a leap and then either stands still doing nothing' for several turns and then get on hit killed or just randomly despawns.


    I emailed the developers and they think it is due to a corrupted game file and suggested reinstalling the game.

    I was able to back up my saves and reinstall but currently still experiencing the problem.

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