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Posts posted by militantm1nd

  1. Ok well, anyone have any ideas on how to resurrect the Ft. Draco blacksmith to fix the DemonSlayer?


    hahaha. Oh man. Super dummy.


    Edit: Actually, I checked and he's (the blacksmith) still alive, just very, very angry. You know, when I stole the supplies and got attacked- initially, I ran out of the town hoping to somehow placate the situation. After returning later and not discovering a way to do so- I took some well deserved aggression out on a few choice townsfolk.


  2. Best. Coding. Ever.


    Thank you all SO much for your help and care! The colon to semi-colon did the trick: when I click on the center boat in Brandon's shop I get the dialogue and the first boat on the right of the dock.


    Thank you!!!!!


    P.S. I am level 28 FINALLY getting able to do Find Soberg. LOL


    Edit: That's Solberg with an "L" not Lisa with an "z". ;P

  3. So I need to get to Solberg's tower from Ft. Draco. In theory this sounds simple; buy a boat from Brandon and sail on by. Except for s-m-r-t me: I stole Draco's supplies and had to kill Brandon ending his longstanding marine engineering career. Now is there anyway to steal those nice boats in behind poor Brandon's shop?





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