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Everything posted by Laevistus

  1. So my roster order changed while im in Avadon. I want to change it. Is it possible to change the way people are listed in this? I know you can change party order once you've left the castle, but can you modify it while you're inside? Any help would be very welcome. (I tried searching for this but none of my search results gave me anything I was looking for nor did the FAQ)
  2. If you're looking for another game I'd suggest getting a demo for Avernum. I hear it might be challenging to get it to run on Windows 7, though I've not tried. If you've got a mac, you could get the newest remake Avernum: Escape from the Pit. I haven't touched it yet but that's not to say that its not a great game.
  3. Originally Posted By: Ayropix So is there absolutely no bonus to taking something like daze / charm to 8. No reduction in resists or longer duration? Wonder why we can even take the skill to 8 then...? My thoughts exactly on Charm... I actually didn't care for either of the spells. Daze was somewhat useful in certain spots but I gave up when it got resisted all the time and I would have just rather blasted someone with fire and killed one guy. I ended up respecing this skill and taking it only to level 6 while I gained more skill points to put in the middle column. Not sure exactly how i feel on the skill point trees. They really want to make you feel like you're customizing your character but really you only have a pick from cookie cutter choices and some of the choices aren't even ones you want to pick.
  4. This has very much been a great source of information. Call me lazy but I'd usually pull up your maps after I had already cleared a place to check and see if I missed anything. Good work on both the maps and learning!
  5. I'd have to agree that it was always a tad fun to figure out a puzzle or open a door that you knew was higher level just to get some gear that gave you an 'edge' early game. I remember all of Jeff's earlier games having something similar.
  6. Now that it's been mentioned, it did get a tad irritating when you had tons of fire immune creatures that were really annoying when you had picked a sorceress character but physical damage characters almost seem to not have any 'physical immune' enemies. It does feel like punishment.
  7. Looking back at my original post, it would appear that I made party size my #1 concern but it really was just a minor task that required me to just work around and get used to. I come from playing Baldur's Gate and I was used to games having larger parties. Taking a look at having 3 was really more of an added challenge rather than a setback. Only time I got frustrated was when one of my characters was taken out of the picture and then it felt like my party was 30%(or more) weaker than before. I really do enjoy this game and if it means that more games can come out quicker (I can only imagine the time it takes to create entire world maps from Exile/Avernum) then I'm all for it as far as this series goes.
  8. Been a long time fan of the Exile, Avernum, and Nethergate series. I picked up Avadon on Steam recently and decided to see how far everything from Spiderweb has come after all these years and 13 years since I very first played Exile 1 (Not even the remake with Exile 3 graphics!). What I've read (and I think its a lot) people have mixed feelings about where it stands compared to the rest of the treasure trove that has come out of Spidweb. I really think the move to being a more specific and in-depth was a good move, but one that should be used and approached with caution and understanding. I think it fits for the game that Jeff set out to create. The game accomplishes everything that I've come to expect from Jeff's games-- quirky humor, well written dialog, fluid and engaging fighting, fantastic story line and a setting that is very fun to be part of. With that said I think I can join with the majority and say that the Avadon model shouldn't become a staple. The huge amount of world exploration in Avernum/Exile was amazing. I think lots would like to see more of it and I'm also sure Jeff plans on it. Now for the not-so-great parts I'd like to see changed or in someway modified. 1) Party Size I was used to the large amount of characters you had in the exile series. Coming from the 6 characters to 4 characters in the Exile to Avernum switch was welcomed by me-- I liked it. However, it feels that 3 people really makes my strategic choices a lot more limited when fighting larger groups (which happens somewhat a lot). I always found myself relying on the shaman's pet for a 'forth' playing pawn. This sort of solved my issue but the summoned unit really was limited to attack and a special ability every so often. I'd really liked to have had a 4th PC, even if it would have meant weaker characters. 2) Enchanting Items I liked this system and I'd like to see more of it. My problem was that I constantly found myself dreading enchanting one of my items to find out later that I could have used a better runestone instead. In the end I ended up just hording all of these runestones waiting for the best one to show up-- I felt that this was flawed. I really would have liked to seen the system implemented with a button at the forge to "strip" away the enchants, loosing your runestone enchant but gaining the ability to enchant the item again. 3) Lockpicking I felt that the lockpicking system took a step backwards. I don't think you should lose lockpicks every time and I dont think you would need multiple lockpicks. I also didn't like dropping precious points into the skill. I'm pretty cut and dry on this particular spot mostly because I felt that I was already in a confined world compared to the rest of the games and in Avadon lockpicks are somewhat rare, require multiples to unlock sometimes, and after EVERY use were gone-- this didn't seem realistic (I know, I know-- its a fantasy rpg) 4) Status Effects/Special Abilities These games had a limited amount of choices when it came to spells. I was okay with this idea. Cut the fluff and give me the meat-- sounds great! I quickly learned, however, that when i made the choice to invest a large amount of skill points into a skill to get a new skill... I'd like it to be at least a bit more useful. Charm felt like it never worked. I've probably used it 30 times and maybe have got 5-10 monsters charmed. I also had the same problem with the stunning blow attack. I constantly felt like the mobs had incredible resistance to everything and that status effects seemed pretty moot on the players behalf. I'd have liked to have had at least maybe a tooltip to tell me "Hey, you've got X% of landing this status effect" or something that doesnt make the ability feel like you wasted a turn. Maybe something like if charm doesnt work, the victim takes backlash damage from having their mind attempting to be dominated-- nothing crazy but, again, something that doesn't feel useless. Really thats the only thing on my plate at the moment. I've not completed the game completely yet, but I'm sure i'll get there this weekend! Wish me luck and thanks for reading!
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