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Everything posted by ComServant

  1. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires no free travel on Avadon Well, to heck with the Pact then! They promised us free roads and safe travel. =)
  2. Return to Avadon, and from Avadon use the southern pylon to get to The Ava, where Goldcrag is located. Thing of the locations shown on your map as the areas 'within travel distance'; to travel farther, you have to use the pylons to teleport greater distances - and Avadon is the hub of the pylons. At least, this is how it seems to me. I'm only slightly ahead of you! (I just left Goldcrag for the second time, whereas you are just now heading there for the second time - I am maybe 2 hours ahead of you)
  3. If I increase the lockpicking skill (to decrease the number of lockpicks needed per chest) on a teammate, but not the main character, does it still work? I haven't been paying close enough attention to tell. Also, if I have a teammate's lockpicking up to, say, level 4. Can I also bring my main character's lockpicking up to level 4, and get a combined level 8, or does the total amount cap at level 4 and the required lockpicks never get any fewer than level 4?
  4. Good. Ryozo, despite being... loud-mouthed and jumping to conclusions too quickly, is still a loyal member of The Pact and thus deserves it's protection.
  5. So, I read several other threads: Ryozo Papers Ryozo's papers Commander Ryozo (may spoil) ...but my situation is slightly different. I didn't find out the purpose of Ryozo's visit to the dragon before finding the wayfarer the second time. The wayfarer told me someone else found out the info. The wayfarer told me Ryozo was a traitor (suspicious claim from the start), and where to find the incriminating evidence (yea, like *that's* not suspicious *rolls-eyes*) I found the "evidence", and talked to Ryozo, telling him I thought the papers were faked. I then broke into the records room (somewhat late) and found the purpose of his visit, confirming my theory that he's innocent. My problem: Ryozo wont talk to me, claiming I'm falsely accusing him. (Kinda ignorant, I'm *warning* him, the jerk. That's why I told him I thought the papers were fake!) Watcher Harisa gives me the option to either: 1) Give her the papers, and have him hauled off for investigation, or even execution without investigation. 2) Destroy the fake evidence. If I destroy the fake evidence, Harisa is just confused, and Ryozo still wont talk to me, claiming I'm falsely accusing him! So, forget the wayfarer, Ryozo is innocent! He is loyal to the cause of Avadon - and as the cause of Avadon is my cause, he's loyal to me. What do I need to do to prove his innocence? If I do nothing, I'd guess the next time I meet the wayfarer, he'll say "someone else took care of it", meaning Ryozo's arrest. Not an option. Help me justify this man's dragon visit, please. I don't care if I lose out on potential wayfarer rewards.
  6. Thank you. I wasn't sure. Luckily I saved my drake skins - I thought they might be needed for a quest or something, by their description; I didn't realize they were for crafting.
  7. Thanks for the info! Part of the reason why I'm so over-packed with items, is I've been saving a bunch of non-runestone crystals: Lovely Crystals, Rubies, etc... And things that might be enchantable: Gold Rings, Silver Pendants, etc... Are either of those categories worth saving, or are the non-runestone gems only for selling? I also have some alchemy equipment, but I'm guessing there's no alchemy in the game itself, so I should just sell that stuff, right?
  8. Is it safe to store items in the chests and contains in Avadon? For example, in your bedroom you have a cabinet and a desk... can I leave items in there for the duration of the game, and will they still be there when I come to get them? Will some script or event at Avadon later accidentally wipe out those chests, or later accidentally place items in those two in my room (either accidentally overwriting an item, or worse, failing to appear and thus leaving me stuck)? I have alot of runestones and I don't want to keep carrying them, and I don't know where to store them. Where should I place them?
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome! Originally Posted By: Randomizer Try downloading some of the other game demos since this is the smallest demo for all the games. I'm already playing the full version of Avadon (the demo ends right before the Wretch Warrens). I downloaded and beat the demo a month or two back, and am now playing the full version from the beginning. After beating Avadon, what would your recommendation be? Your personal favorite? I've heard good things about the Geneforge series. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves If you look really closely at the middle shot, you can just see the hidden switch—it's on the wall right below Shima's face. Argh! I searched for multiple forevers looking for a switch, moving my mouse back and forth, and walking in and out of rooms to douse walls in shadows and back, hoping I can notice objects pop into visibility when the shadows are removed. I see it in the screenshot now, thanks for pointing it out. I'll get it later tonight when I boot the game up for another playing session. Originally Posted By: Yuna Corne In that first one if you position one party member by the gate and another in the shadowy corner by the cage you can snatch up those coins in there. How do I control my party members individually? One more question: Is there some store with endless supply of lock-picks? I never have enough.
  10. Hey, I'm new to the forum. I'm playing through Avadon: The Black Fortress for the first time (actually, this is the first of any Vogellian game I'm playing), and I just genocidally cleared out the Wretch Warrens. I can't figure out how to get into these two areas. I've combed the place thoroughly, but can't find a way in. First area: Second area: I also can't find a way past this gate... Third area: ...though I don't know if you're supposed to or if it's just showing how the Ogre's master escaped. This is my first time through, so please no spoilers in response. =)
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