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Everything posted by kozzy

  1. I just bought the series today myself, it was on sale during a steam sale, coudlnt say no hehe.
  2. Originally Posted By: Sylak vs. Rentar vs. Ghaldring One minor quibble with the review: it's out for Mac, Windows, and iPad. The iPhone isn't supported; the screen's just too small. —Alorael, who thinks Geneforge remakes are much less likely to come soon. The graphics and engines are the same throughout, so even G1 isn't quite as outdated. He also suspects that they're modular enough that they might just get redone en masse eventually with prettier graphics and near-total recycling of areas and scripts. Mechanics might change, but they might not; the current system works just fine and would save a huge amount of labor. Fixed now, I am behind the times with these Ipads and Iphones, I thought they were the same thing hehe
  3. Thanks for all the comments, looks like Jeff will be very busy in the future (:
  4. Originally Posted By: Excalibur I see you mentioned character customization in there. It is a whole lot different from other Spiderweb games in that you only have four basic character skills. I do like the method in previous games, but the ability tree probably works well for most iPad players. Hopefully the level cap will be raised in the next game so we can further take advantage of the ability tree. Oh, and there is an iPad version but not an iPhone version. Thanks for the post, do you know what Spiderweb is up to next as far as games go? Anything new in the works?
  5. http://www.thickonline.com/reviews/index.php?mod=cnt&act=cnt&id=5718 I am a bit late with the review I know, but anyways here it is for those who care about some randoms review hehe. Thanks for an enjoyable game Spiderweb!
  6. If you can get me a copy on steam or in the mail I can get a review up for a magazine/website in canada I do reviews for and also my personal blog. We usually get more mainstream popular games sent to us unfortunatly so sometimes I like to hunt down the smaller known Indie companies to get them some shine (;
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