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Posts posted by adventureclint

  1. My fav, speel was evenom, where when it comes down to the nitty gritty you can share power between party members, plus mindduel, and magic map all of them are good spells have not really played exile 1 all the way through i was reading the post about recharge i guss that can mean recharging wands or perhaps spell points itself, i'll have to take a look at that,



  2. i minddueled renthar-irthmo the last person you fight in exile 3 hell ofa lot of sp ring of will+high intelligence = one mean mind dueling machine, mindduel is an interesting spell wish they had it in avernum 3 but they dont, plus be sure to finish the trog and giant missions bringing down the barrier before you loot the castle, i got 4000 gold and tons of stuff in their enough to make several trips back for more and more on top of it, if you dont complete the barrir mission it will kick you out of the castle, and when i say loot i mean kill vothkaro and every thing in the place, vothkaro is easy one kill spell should do him in hope this helps



  3. Hello Everyone i am new here, but i have played spiderweb games for several years, i first discovered jeff vogels games back in college when i bought a 1001 free shareware games disk from staples office supply, on the disk it had exile 3 i fell in love with it and being my mom gave me 100$ a month spending money i easily bought the game now came the hard part getting my own computer i was at the time using the colleges computers and i put the game on one particular one that was in the adaptive tech lab after i got permission from the lab guy, so out i went me a nearly broke son of a gun, looking to find a pc to call my own, i then went to a small computer store i found in hollywood but his computers were way out of my league, i was about to walk away frustated when he said i threw a couple of pc's away in the dumpster that have hard drives but no operating system, i told him i bought windows 95 and i had a role playing game called exile 3, so he said go ahead and take your pick i then had a new pc it was a 486 ps2 so i put windows on it and i was ready to go, then a year later when i lived on my own i bought blades of exile and the exile trilogy cd so i say to everyone out their dont steal games heck just take a look in the dumpster or better yet ask the comp salesman for any thing he wants to get rid of, tell him you'll take it off his hands, better to do that than to not have a pc at all it is a trick that works and works well i still use that trick whenever i get old computers to tinker around with i just hate it when people steal games and then honorable kids who digging in dumpsters and getting want nots from pc dealers, so i say that even the poorest person can get a pc then they can save and get the game i then bought the entire exile trilogy and blades of exile well worth their weight in gold, now i live on my own and have my income that i live off of and dont forget that once an owner always an owner of a game from spiderweb thats cool well enough rambling , just though i would share my tale with other college students in need, thanks



  4. Hey everyone i am new here, i love the whole exile trilogy plus blades of exile, i have also purchased avernum 3 and find that the elelments and the plot are the same although more side quests in a 3 than e 3, i lost my exile trilogy cd several years ago and i called up spiderweb and asked them for new keys to the exilegames 1-3 and they gave them to me once an owner of the games always an owner of the games that is whats so cool about spiderweb, a lifetime gurantee on all the games you buy, I was reading a bottom feeder blog story about piracy, and the neat thing is that i make about 600$ a month and pay rent electric food cable and internet and i still have enough money left over to buy a game so i don't pirate and never have, i know somone who makes 400 a month and still buys games from spiderweb, at least i know that when i buy a game i am helping to not only feed jeffs family i am supporting the development of new games and i hope spiderweb is here for many more years to come,



  5. Hello i am new here, one of the great things about spiderweb is that if you ever lose the games you can call and get new keys for the games you bought pretty cool as other places just charge you extra for another copy thanks spiderweb,



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