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Posts posted by Karoka

  1. 1. I'm pretty sure there is no way you can expand it once you've made it. What I do from preventing that kind of problem is starting with a 10x10 scenario. If I end up needing something longer, I can use nodes etc. to fit my needs.


    2. As far I know, they are in fact unchangeable. I couldn't tell you why, though. Those properties are probably permanently linked to the terrain #.(As a side note, I found out that if you change one of the road terrains to, say, a custom road, they don't connect within the game frown )


    3. You don't have to worry about SP, the game does it for you.


    4. The Brew of Lethe was placed in both #214 and #271. It likely says "(delete)" because there are two of the same item.

  2. Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    I found some BoE-related articles archived here; they're a bit old, but helpful. This article in particular may be of interest to you.
    Sorry, but I couldn't find the answer. But it has a whole lot of good advice on other things, though!

    I apologize for such a late response.
  3. I noticed how default terrain #'s 5-21 are all cave walls. And when you put it into a town or outdoors, they automatically adapt to how they are supposed to look (excluding the four walk-through ones, of course). I also noticed that the two walkways (82 & 83) don't have separate terrains for their adaptation, even though they appear within-game.


    Here's my idea. Instead of having all those separate cave wall graphics, you could just condense them all into just one. There could be a button in the 'Edit Terrain Type' box that allows you to change what the adaptations are, like this:


    Click to reveal..










    A= Center

    B= North Wall

    C= West Wall

    D= East Wall

    E= South Wall

    F= Northwest Edge

    G= Northeast Edge

    H= Southwest Edge

    I= Southeast Edge

    J= Southeast Corner

    K= Southwest Corner

    L= Northeast Corner

    M= Northwest Corner

    By doing this, 60 or so spaces of the current 255 will be freed for other uses. Also, for other terrains like walls or bridges, there could be a box for you to input what other terrain it adapts to (i.e. Basalt Wall adapts to Cave Wall).


    Thank you legacy compatibility grin

  4. Originally Posted By: Alorael
    There's nothing there and no way to get in. An infinite number of soldiers will appear to block you. If you cheat to get through the fortress takes you to Krizsan because it's not supposed to be accessible and wasn't programmed to link to a town.
    If you can cheat your way in and out, then you'd have one hell of a training area.
  5. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha
    What would be handy here, and easy to do, is to create a report that lists all the SDFs found in the Exs file.
    If SDFA >= 0 and SDFB >= 0, the report would list which node it was found in, what type it was and the values of SDFA, SDFB. This would tell you where to look to find it.
    Current report, created by the Editor, lists all information for each special, way too much for this use.

    Now when a file is copied from Excel to Word, a cell in Excel is represented in Word by a tab stop, and vice versa. So if you want certain lines to be in an Excel column all by themselves, make sure that in Word only those lines have a tab stop to the left of them. This approach would enable you to filter out the desired SDFA and SDFB values.
    I'm sorry, but I have no idea what report list is.
  6. Ever design a scenario and forget which SDFs are for what? Or maybe screw up a node chain because you set up the wrong event or special class? Well this is the right product for you! Crushed inside a little box, the K-Util will help you keep your useless junk organized in four complex Excel sheets!


    The K-Util contains an SDF Chart, a Special Class Items, an Events List, and even a useless To-Do List! As a bonus, we'll even throw in this redirect link! Order now before it's too late!




    EDIT: changed some stuff. Here ya go.

  7. Three more:

    - Replace 'Increment flag' with 'Edit flag', or something like that. You can add/subtract/multiply/divide the value of the flag by the number of your choice. Or you can divide that value by the value of another SDF.

    Click to reveal..
    Stuff Done Flags:SDF Part A ___                  SDF Part B ___Message 1, Message 2, Pict:First part of message ___Second part of message ___Method Used ___Extra 1a and 1b:Value Changed By ___Operation ___Extra 2a and 2b:Second Flag Part A ___Second Flag Part B ___Jump to this special: ___
    Method Used: Determines which of the two choices are used. 1 for using Extra 1, and 2 for using Extra 2.

    - A 'Stuff Done Compare' node that gives a little more freedom

    Click to reveal..
    Stuff Done Flags:SDF Part A ___                  SDF Part B ___Message 1, Message 2, Pict:First part of message ___Second part of message ___Unused ___Extra 1a and 1b:2nd SDF Part A ___2nd SDF Part B ___Extra2a and 2b:Call this if first flag higher ___Call this if first flag is lower ___Otherwise call this special ___

    - The ability to connect towns as if they were outdoors. So that while your playing the scenario, you can walk right into town x from town y without using special nodes. The things the towns share will be the same as outdoor areas.

  8. Originally Posted By: Alorael
    What if, in anticipation of that punch, future you trains to become a blackbelt? And brings a taser?
    Surely future Dintiradan would know that if he hurts Past Dintiradan, Future Dintiradan will feel the pain that comes after. So Past Dintiradan stands a better chance against Future Dintiradan.
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