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Posts posted by Ceregon

  1. Yep, Avernum 4,5, & 6 are now out on Steam. Just bought AV5&6 to finish out my collection from there. For only $3.99 each it was an insta-buy for me.


    Although I am still looking forward and will buy the remakes of AV2 and 3 when they're released.

  2. Same here. I played the original before, but still had questions about this upgraded version (such as; does it have a quest journal whereas the original didn't and was my personal biggest problem with the game), but when I saw it being offered on Steam for $7.99 I instantly clicked the Add To Shopping Cart on it.


    At that price, considering just how much game you're getting, it was honestly like giving it away...quest journal or no quest journal, it was an instant buy.

  3. Aye, you can edit the Steam version. Just have to remember that the Steam version is actually located in the Steam folder.


    I bought mine off of Steam and edited the script to allow secret doors to sparkle.


    Just takes a little digging in the Steam subfolders to find where the Avadon game folders are buried.


    Gotta remember that Steam's origins was as a mod site, so as a nod to that they try to make sure that players have all the files necessary to mod their games if such is possible.

  4. Personally, I couldn't be happier seeing that Spiderweb Software games are finally on Steam. Pro or con it it's still major exposure.


    I discovered Spiderweb games when Avernum 4 was made available to Big Fish games. I'm an "older player" who got my start in PC RPG gaming with the old gold box D&D games, such as Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, ect. so when I fired up Avernum it was like reliving what got me hooked on PC RPG's in the first place.


    So much so I came to this site and bought the Avernum 1-3 plus hintbook package. It was a hefty expense, although I'll be quick to add, absolutely worth every penny and then some.


    But still, and here's where I join the Pro-steam side; I would never have discovered Jeff's incredible games if he hadn't of offered A4 to indy distribution sites. I'm sure he did it for the exposure to bring in new customers and fans, and I do believe I read that he had stated that doing so had saved his company.


    Fast forward to the present. I love Steam because it does offer old school RPG's. Heck they even still offer the Shining Force series for PC. So I was pleasantly surprised to get Jeff's email that he was now offering Avadon on steam. And at that price I bought it with absolutely no hesitation. At that price my hand just automatically went to the BUY tab and *click*.


    I do understand that an incredible amount of talent and hard work goes into Spiderweb games, and I fully understand that Jeff and crew need a good source of income to keep roofs over their heads and food on the table. But at the same time I haven't bought Avernum 5 or 6 yet and the reason is the price. I've always put it off for someday....someday...and will it ever come? Who knows.


    The thing stopping me? As much as I acknowledge and truly believe in the principle that the staff of Spiderweb needs good profits to keep everyone employed and their families taken care of, it's still the price.


    Believe me, even though I bought A 1-3, and happy I did, once my wife saw the credit card bill...well, that was a torment level no one should face. So litte to say, getting Avernum 5 and 6 after that has been on the back burner ever since.


    But with getting Avadon for $10, no hesitation on my part and my wife actually encouraged it, knowing how much I loved the Avernum games I did buy.


    So it's a two edged sword in my opinion. Just where is the price point for old-school RPGs that keeps both the creators and buyers happy? Moreso, where is the price point that earns a profit but also, like with Avernum 4 and Avadon convinces consumers to click the BUY button without even thinking twice about it. It's the "thinking twice" part that usually has customers pass by and keep skimming the lists of games available.


    In any case, thanks for putting Avernum 4 up for $10 on the indy sites like Big Fish that introduced me to your incredible games, and for putting Avadon up on Steam for the same price, that in a total reversal actually had my wife encouraging me to hit the ol' BUY button on it.


    Of course immdediately afterwards she bought a Sims 3 stuff pack for herself... Umm, I think I just got played...

  5. Thanks for the replies. I wasn't very far into A4 when I made the purchase of Avernum 1-3, so I put that on hold in order to start from the very beginning with A1. Mainly because of my original post. I play RPG's as an interactive fantasy novel. And to me, odd though it may sound, continuing to play A4 would be like starting a book in the middle, and then going back and reading the first three chapters. It just didn't make sense to play it that way.


    Although aye, the learning curve by going from A4 to A1 is pretty harsh. I don't want to flame the fires of the debate of which engine is better, but for someone only with A4 experience, the game engine of A1 is very clunky and a whole lot less user friendly than with A4. I guess now I know why A4 was put out on Big Fish rather than A1...always wondered about that. I guess if you want to distribute a chapter in a game series on indie game distribution sites it would be the most user-friendly one.


    Still, no real complaints from me. I got my interest in computer fantasy games with the gold box editions of D&D & Dragonlance games (Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, ect.), the Bard's Tale series, Wizardry, ect. Which is why I enjoyed A4 so much.


    Most current "old school" turn-based RPG's that I've been playing are more reminescent of Nintendo and Sega console Japanese anime style looks (Aveyond, 3 Stars of Destiny, Laxius Force, ect). So I was instantly drawn in by the icons and artwork of A4 which is VERY reminescent of the looks and gameplay of the old true PC RPG games (Gold box D&D, Bards Tale, ect), and knew I had to get at least the chapters of the games that precede A4. I'll probably end up getting Avernum 5 & 6 as well.


    Just sad that it took so long to discover Avernum. If Jeff didn't at least consent to putting Avernum 4 on the indie game distribution sites I doubt I would have ever discovered this gem of a series.

  6. Greetings,


    A few weeks ago I purchased Avernum 4 from Big Fish games. I've been enjoying it immensely, and just bought the Avernum 1-3 Collection.


    The question I have is this, with only playing Avernum 4, but now having the registered versions of 1-3; How linked are the games in the series? Should I go ahead and finish out A4, or should I put that on hold and restart my adventures within Avernum with the first game in order to have better fluidity within the history and storyline of Avernum?


    I enjoy RPG's for the storyline and lore mostly. For me, instead of just reading a fantasy novel, RPG's is like living and experiencing the adventure firsthand. So with that in mind, should I start over with 1, or are the seperate games so self-contained that it really doesn't matter what order to play them in?

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