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Everything posted by ChopChop

  1. OK...I'm have a little bit of trouble with Melachion. For those who have killed him...What wards did you use? Did you keep your fighters back and use range attacks or did you have them in close. Strategy is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Yeah, I completely cleared out every room but new one's would continue to show up so infinate respawn must be the situation. It looks like they actually spawn at the gates but I could be wrong.
  3. I have raided the inside of Formello twice now. The Sliz's never seem to stop coming. Is this the way the game is set up...that they are always spawning more warriors inside Formello? Also, there doesn't seem to be any good treasure inside Formello. Does anyone know of any hidden anywhere? Thanks.
  4. Is there anyway to cure the death curse when you are battling Melachion? I snatched his treasure now its time TO GET IT ON!
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