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Cake Spawner

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Everything posted by Cake Spawner

  1. Ah, and so it was. Thank you sir. I know there's a drakon who trains mechanics -- but I didn't like the look in his eyes when he offered to "touch" me and I stabbed him.
  2. Hello, I'm playing a pro-shaper guardian in Geneforge 3. He's level 40, and still about 500 experience away from level 41. I don't think there's 500 experience left in the game, I've killed pretty much everything and finished every quest. I want to de-activate the spawner in the Monestary Caverns, which takes 20 mechanics. With Infiltrator's Ring, Shield, Tunic, Cloak, and Charm, and Tinker's Gloves, I have 19. Is the tinker's bauble in this game? The walkthrough lists it in the necklaces, but not where it is found. Where is it, please, should someone remember?
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