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Crappy Old Sedan

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Everything posted by Crappy Old Sedan

  1. That's good to know. Can you assign traits to a character created midgame? Does the character level intrinsically matter to gameplay mechanics, assuming you use the editor to recreate the appropriate skill selection?
  2. Having played through a cool piece of Avernum 6, I'm realizing that I want to slightly tweak one of my character builds. It's not a big enough change that I feel like restarting with a whole new party, I just want to move a few points around, which historically hasn't been a problem in previous Avernum games. Yet, with this iteration I find that the editor doesn't allow you to decrease skills, and I don't want to simply add in points I haven't earned. Anyone know a slick way to decrease skills, or even delete a character from an existing party to be replaced with a new one?
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