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Everything posted by amelie

  1. So, I can't seem to find the entrance to the tunnels underneath Patrick's Tower. I never got the quest explained to me at the Castle or talked to Solberg before he disappeared so I don't know if it's even available to me anymore. I really hate not being able to complete a part of the game. HELP!
  2. i've freed both groups of slaves. nothing. and the lich only takes maybe 1 point of damage so im assuming its a bug. thanks!
  3. 1. In the middle of the almaria sewers there is a large room with a door that needs a key. I've killed everyone everywhere else down there and I can't find that key, which I'm assuming i was to have picked up from one of the leaders down there. any answers? 2. also, i killed the aranea queen near fort duvno long ago and cannot for the life of me find captain verbier to let him know and claim my reward. where is he?? 3. i have received the final quest to complete the portal and I was hoping the flawless crystal, research notes and bags of meal quests would end. is there any way to finish those? 4. I think I have released all of the horde's slaves because no one is left. when i tell captain esmee there is no dialogue option to tell her. is this a bug or did i do something wrong? 5. i am in the process of trying to destroy the tower lich but it takes absolutely no damage. does this change eventually or is there something to which it is susceptible?
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