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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Hm.... well, I don't see Tawon all that much different from Avadon. Both organizations have killed innocent people for their own ends. Both have shown a disregard and disrespect towards people's rights. 'Course both have done good things as well, but I suspect that the nature of such powerful organizations, like a bureaucracy, is that they will always be flawed. No matter what Avadon or Tawon does, people will always be dissatisfied. So the player characters are stuck in between and forced to choose between them. Do I feel like a revolution occurring? As a meta-gamer, I'd do it just out of curiosity. As a character, I think most personalities would give in to Tawon's conspiracy and hate Avadon. Now if there was an option to leave the whole fiasco entirely, I might choose that.
  2. Has anyone killed Lord Trinket in the first encounter in Deep Storage? I almost did, by casting the daze spell often to keep him from running. I wonder if anything interesting happens.
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