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Posts posted by GuyB

  1. Thank you both for those quick responses!


    Clearly WoW has ruined me :-) I played Avernum 4 and 5, but it was a while ago and I can't remember the details of the gameplay. This one had eluded me. Well, I'll just have to stock up on potions and try to remember the route back to civilisation!


    Many thanks and happy hunting in those caves...

  2. My spellcasters' energy bars don't regenerate! That is, in a fight, they cast spells and use up spell energy. Once the fight is over, they're still out of energy until they return to a town... which renders them useless when the next batch of goblins turn up.


    This feels like I must be missing something, but for the life of me I can't find out what. There's nothing in the documentation about spell energy or how it works. Nothing in the in-game help or in the manual.


    My party has a decent amount of First Aid skill (for a new bunch) and that seems to keep their health up, but this spell energy thing is really ruining the game for me. Please help!

  3. Hi folks! I'm very excited that Avernum 6 is here at last. My level 80 WoW warlock is gathering dust as I type this.


    Dumb question I hope, but... my spellcasters' energy bars (mana bars) don't regenerate. They go into a fight, drain down their energy, and once the fight's over they're out of energy (and useless) until they return to town. PLEASE tell me I'm missing something obvious...

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