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Posts posted by Samael

  1. Hi Guys,

    I can't find the switches that gain me access to the area I know leads to Zkal's lower level or access to the little space just to the southeast of that little pit on the southwest corner of the first level. I have looked for over an hour and its giving me a headache. Any help on this would be appreciated.

  2. I like a challenge, where I have to think plenty about how to do my battles effectively, but I don't want it to be impossible.


    I'd try it on normal (as solo char) first I think. Normal has had its challenges w/ party of 4 but never anything that a bit more time and a few adjustments in tactics couldn't fix.


    And the rate at which I go up as a solo is why I am worried/asking about a cap. If it is/was set too low it wouldn't be worth the effort to me.


    Thanks for info, that helps for sure.

  3. I am currently playing it through as a reg party current at lvl 30 and fairly close to end-game territory (acquiring crystal souls atm) but I kind of want to try it with a single character party.


    You couldn't really do this terribly well in AV1 w/o the editor because of the "almost cap" at lvl30 and then training points only every 5 lvls after that.


    That brings me to two questions...


    Is there a lvl camp in AV2 similar to AV1 and what lvl is it at?




    Has anyone tried playing with a single character and was it fun/doable/etc?



  4. I am looking for the 5th brooch and am looking for Bertrand who is supposed to be in or passed through Mertis. He isn't there, or at least I cannot find him, and as far as I can tell no one has seen him. I have also spoken to the statues in most of the major cities (all but Formello) and have discovered no additional information (aside from the one who got this started in Dharmon). Any helpful for advice?

  5. Hi Folks


    I am play A6 for the second time as a singleton. In a group, freezing is not a big deal for the most part. As a singleton, like stun, freezing is lethal. You lose the ability to move and just watch yourself die. Very frustrating.


    My question is, is there anything that helps you resist freezing out there, like an item, that I should be on the look for. Also, any other strategies for combating basilisks would be appreciated.



  6. Hi Folks


    I have completed the 2 quests each that Sorengard in Patrick's tower (the construct quests) and Chrysander in the Fort Haledon Ruins (the skribbane/talk to and kill the dude in the WR quest). Beyond that they tell me they no longer need my services at the moment but seem to indicate that they may again at some future date.


    So my question is this...do they have more stuff for me to do later on in the game after a certain amount of time has gone by and if so, about when should I expect them to become available?



  7. Hi Folks


    Has anyone ever tried any of the Avernum games with all magic casters or all warriors? I know there would be some really painful battles with some creatures either being incredibly resistant to magic or weapons. Anyway, what was your success like? What were your difficulties like? Also has anyone tried this specifically with Avernum 6? Any info would be cool.



  8. Hi Folks


    1. I could never find where the Spire Hidden Brigands lair/lair entrance was. Let me tell you, it was from no lack of searching god knows. The only thing I can think of that I didn't try was that trapdoor in the room whose entrance is blocked by the Ogre in Spire.


    2. The Blessed Athame Quest. I went upstairs in Fort Saffron but I could never find any way to get past those gates (looked for hidden buttons) and no hints as to what to do or where to go next. The only thing I didn't do was ask the Empire guy if he knew where it was before I killed him. Is that the key?


    3. Secret entrance under Bargha. I could never find it, unless it was part of the main underground complex which I had to massacre half the town to get access to.


    Thanks for any help.

  9. Hi Folks


    I have beaten Avernum 6 using the standard 4 man group and I think I am going to try it as a singleton. I just have one question in this regard. I know I will level up faster as a singleton because it is the experience of 4 piled onto one character instead of being divided four ways but my concern is, is there a level cap of any kind (eg: avernum 2 was capped at level 50 I believe)?


    Any other hints and tips would be appreciated as well.



  10. Hi Folks


    I am new to these forums but not to the games. I have pretty much finished all the major quests in Avernum 6 and the only place I have not explored is the lake area where Ssss-Thssss used to have his fort, the waterfall warrens and the Northern Isles. I have searched just about everywhere for a boat to the Northern Isles etc but I cannot find one despite the fact that Almara in Refuge seems to indicate it is possible to get/find a boat to explore that area. It seems I cannot use the boats in Almaria since I blocked by rapids. So, this leaves me with two questions:


    1. Is it even possible to explore the areas listed above via boat or any other means?


    2. If so, how? If there is a boat to these areas could someone hint me as to where it might be? And if not and there is another route, could someone hint me for that possibility?


    Thanks in advance!

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