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Dragonforce = Motrax on Drums!

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Posts posted by Dragonforce = Motrax on Drums!

  1. For some reason, I always found Slayer - Angel Of Death, Dragonforce - Heroes Of Our Time + TTFAF and System of a Down's Nuguns and Aerials to be good combat music.

    Outdoors I normally play quieter songs by SOAD and Slipknot. (Slipknot + quiet = Scary Epic Win)

    in destroyed places such as A2 Cotra, Eminem's more dark and meaningful songs, such as Sing For The Moment and The Way I Am are good.

    Also,the instrumental from Serj Tankian - Empty Walls always worked for me.

    And in towns with many friendlies, Paramore and any of the happy songs by Green Day are good.


    P.S. I know I like rock music too much, no need to point that out.

  2. Originally Posted By: Thuryl
    4 are enough to get there. It's getting back that's the problem.

    That is why I exited using the editor.

    Originally Posted By: Wundercraft
    Alorael, who has considered what the likely distribution of Spidwebbers in the U.S.A. would be if all members were Americans. The result is still no contact among members who didn't join already knowing another member.
    True, I once showed a friend Exile, and he still remembers, but before he met me, he couldn't name any indie game developers, and he hasn't told anyone the wondrs of Spidweb, because he thinks that compared to WoW, CoD etc., it sucks at graphics and interactivity.

    EDIT: No-one cares about my favourite games because of WoW, Killzone and Starcraft.

    Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha
    They might be written into the towndat file in a way that I won't recognize because it is unique to A1.

    You mean you can recognize some of the SDFs in the other games?

    Originally Posted By: Earth2025
    Bit off-topic: Whatever happened to Aydin?
    Like everyone that helps in games, once he became unnecessary, he just disappeared. Also, Aydin in A1 would have been deep in Empire Lands in A2, which means either he died, or he was still alive, but due to said lack of future need, he just disappeared.(Damn RPG anomalies...)
  3. Good point on the SDFs,Thur, and yes, I have used the editor, to no avail, so I might use my new savegame from school computer class to get the ending. (Damn Teachers, spying on me..)


    P.S. Where is the best source for general information on SDFs?


    Also, why are you up so early? (Server time, not local, i'm too lazy to set my time to AUS)


    Finally, the Editor will ReSet Erika and the Dragons, Grah-Hoth etc., so maybe Hawthorne is somehow special, like... um... some of the A2 characters. (Pyrn...)


    Anyways, thanks man, I didn't expect advice to come so fast.(time at home is about 7:10pm, Server is, like 3AM (Shady Fans Rejoice!))

  4. So I was going to kill Hawthorne, and I saved as soon as I got close to him, and finished the battle, with the BAD ending (4 of 5 brooches), so I went into the editor and got my Party of One out of the spire and saved, so that I could steal Pyrog's brooch, then I went back to the RS to finish the job, and when I got to the throne room, there was no Hawthorne or portal out of that cursed place.

    Just wondering if I (as Rose) have to ReStart entirely, or if there is a DeBug or Dialog to ReSet Hawthorne.


    Also, has anyone else had this happen before?


    EDIT: Does anyone understand the SDFs?


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